Chapter 5

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I had no idea where I was supposed to go now. I couldn't go to Wendy's dorm because I didn't know where it was and also I didn't want to seem crazy by coming to her all upset. I definitely couldn't go to Will because then I'd have to tell him the truth and he'd be furious with Wesley and I really didn't feel like breaking up a fight tonight.

 I wandered through campus with my arms still clutching my pajamas. It was getting dark out and a little chilly. I wanted somewhere to just hide away from the rest of the population. I ended up outside the library, which was big and filled with places to hide. I climbed the stairs up to the second floor, and to an isolated corner. The library was filled with couches, tables, and chairs, and I found a recliner in the way corner. 

I sat down for a while just feeling Wesley's words repeat over and over  again in my mind. I curled up into myself more, my eyes stinging from the tears that had fallen from his cruel words. 

I felt my eyes get heavy and I slowly let myself fall asleep. 


The next morning I woke up from someone slightly nudging my arm. My eyes slowly opened, I was completely disoriented. "Are you okay?" The girl who had awoken me asked. 

"I'm fine," I answered, still groggy. "What time is it?" I asked. 

She looked at her phone, "8:15". 

I sighed in relief, my first class didn't start until 10. I got up and slowly made my way back to my dorm. I really didn't want to go back there but I needed my books and to change my clothes. My only hope was that Wesley wouldn't be there. 

I slowly opened the door to my room and immediately saw Wesley. He looked tired and had rings around his eyes. When he saw me he popped right up from his seat. "Jesus Blair! You had me worried sick! Where were you?" He asked me furiously.

 "You were worried, yeah right. Please you could give a shit about me." I scoffed angrily. 

"Blair c'mon," Wesley started. 

I finished gathering my stuff, "No Wesley. Don't talk to me." I snapped, storming out of the room. All I wanted was to get far away from Wesley. 

The rest of the day I avoided him like the plague, and when I did see him I stayed away, oping he would get the message. 

At the end of the day I was exhausted, sleeping in a small recliner in the library didn't exactly qualify for a good night's sleep. Luckily I was ahead of my work so I could afford to rest and take a quick nap. I changed into leggings and a Vanatta University t-shirt. I threw my hair into a ponytail and quickly buried myself under my covers. 

When I woke up, I was startled by Wesley who was just staring at me. "Shit!" I yelled, "Why are you watching me?" I asked, already annoyed. 

"Blair I'm sorry for what I said." Wesley started, his eyes boring into me. I rolled my eyes and sat up. 

"No, I'm serious, what I said the other night wasn't cool at all. I was being a dick. I was annoyed and angry, but you didn't deserve how I treated you. I didn't mean what I said Blair, honestly." Wesley explained, his tone full of sincerity. I was still quiet, I didn't know how to really respond. 

Before my mouth knew what it was doing I slipped out, "What you said really hurt my feelings." Damn Blair.

Wesley looked taken aback, "I'm sorry Blair. I didn't want to, and I know I did, I'm sorry." He restates, his voice softer. 

"Okay, I forgive you. Thank you for your apology." I said. He gave an awkward half smile at me, 

"So where did you go last night?" He asked. 

"I slept at the library." I answered sheepishly. 

"Blair, that's dangerous, you could have been hurt." Wesley said, his voice serious again.

 "I'm fine Wes. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself." I replied. He looked like he wanted to say something else but he let it go. 

Things felt better between us and I hoped the awkward tension would dissipate soon.

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