Chapter 28

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That night I headed back to my dorm, I was too tired to care if Wesley was in there or not. I walked into  the dorm and saw him sitting on the bed, earphones plugged into his laptop. I threw my bag down and took out a few books. 

He didn't say anything to me or even acknowledged my presence which was fine by me. I opened up my textbook and began doing my homework. 

We worked in silence, awkward, palpably tense silence. "So where were you last night?" Wesley asked suddenly, pulling his earplugs out. I looked up, at first unsure if he was talking to me. He was staring at me, all focus on me. 

"Out with Wendy and Mona." I replied tensely. Not that it's any of your business since you've clearly moved on. I thought bitterly to myself. His shoulders visibly relaxed at my answer, he just nodded and turned back to his laptop, silence resuming. 


The next day I woke up early and quickly got out of the room. I texted Will to see if maybe he wanted to get some coffee.

Will arrived before me, and waved me over to the corner table he snagged. "Hey! Feels like I haven't seen you since the holidays." He said. 

I gave him a small smile, "I know, life has been crazy, just getting back in the swing of classes y'know." I said. 

Will nodded, "Yeah I get that. How's Wes? I haven't seen him either, since that day in the park." He said awkwardly. 

"We broke up." I admitted honestly. 

Will's face fell, "Oh B, I'm sorry." He apologized sincerely. 

I shrugged, "Thanks, I just- we weren't on the same page." 

Will's face was sympathetic, "Still, I knew how much you liked him. How's being roommates then? Any problems?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "

Awkward but manageable I guess." I shrugged. 

Will nodded, "Any problems though let me know. Just because I was softening up to that guy doesn't mean that original threat doesn't still stand." He promised, a hint of a smile on his face. 

"Thanks Will I'll let you know. But now I should probably get going, I've got English in 20 minutes." I said, hopping off the stool. 

"Okay, I'll see you later." Will waved bye. 


Walking out of English 90 minutes later, I plugged my earphones in, ready to go to the library and start an essay I had just been assigned. 

As I walked, I wasn't paying attention so I ended up smacking right into someone. "I am so sorry!" I started apologizing, before looking up. Joey.

 I rolled my eyes. "So now you believe me?" He asked, a proud smirk on his face. 

"Not now." I said, trying to swerve around him. 

I stepped away and he continued following me. "So now how about another date?" He tried. 

"Why are you still following me?" I asked. 

"C'mon Blair! You're single, I'm single, and we had fun when we were together!" He exclaimed. 

"Yeah until you cheated on me!" I snapped back. 

"That was a mistake Blair! Why can't you just forgive me? It won't happen again." He said. I was about to tell him to fuck off until the image of Wesley and the girl making out popped back into my head. 

Suddenly I couldn't help myself, "Fine! I'll go out with you again!" I said exasperatedly again. 

Joey finally stopped following me. "Yes! I'll see you tonight then?" He asked. 

I shook my head, "Thursday night." I corrected. 

Joey grinned, "Great I'll see you then. " He bounced off. 

It was time to start my mission.

**Sorry that this is such a short filler chapter, but this will lead up to more! I just wanted to get something up.**

The Roommatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें