Chapter 12

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I really just blew it. I can't believe I just told her that we could be together, she must be really freaked out. And now she left and I had no clue where she went, and I couldn't contact her because she left her phone. 

I decided it would just be better if I left, and stayed at a friend's, so I could give her some space to think. 


I could not believe what just happened. First Wesley voluntarily watched a chick flick with me in our room on a Friday night, the he told me that we could be a couple and that I deserved better. It all made my head spin. 

I needed to take a walk to clear my head, and my feet too me to the football field to see my boyfriend. I needed to see Joey to get Wesley and his crazy words out of my head. 

The football field was empty when I got there which I found weird because Joey said they didn't get out until 8:30 and it was only 7:30 now. I walked around aimlessly for a while until I heard heavy breathing behind the snack bar shack. I looked over and saw Joey and some girl making out. 

"Joey?" I called out. 

The two broke apart, both of their lips were swollen and their faces as though they were deers caught in the headlights. "What are you doing? You told me you had practice until 8:30!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. 

"Uhh-uh, What are you doing here Blair?" He stammered, trying to change the subject. 

"Don't.  Answer the question." I demanded. 

Joey looked between the two of us, "I didn't know we were exclusive?" He tried. 

"Bullshit." I spit. 

"You're a pig Joey." I sneered, walking away from him. 

As I walked back to my dorm, I wasn't sure if I was more sad about the fact that Joey had cheated on me or that now I was free to really confront my feelings for Wesley. 

When I got back to our room, I was ready to talk, but Wesley was nowhere to be found. I couldn't help but feel disappointed but I figured it would at least give me more time to prepare what I was going to say to him. 


The next morning there was still no sign of Wes. The thought of him with another girl made me sick, but I quickly scolded myself. He was a free guy and I had pretty much rejected him yesterday so I had no right to be upset who he was with. I just wish he would come back so I could talk to him.

There was no use twiddling my thumbs here so I quickly texted Mona to see if she wanted to get some breakfast. 

When I met Mona at the dining hall, I was practically bursting at the seams. I spilled everything that had happened and her jaw practically hit the floor when I told her what Wesley had said. "Oh my god." Was the first thing she said after I finished. I sipped my juice and nodded, my head whirling. "Do you like him?" She asked. I thought about it for a minute, I knew I did, but I was scared of telling him, something about Wesley felt different.

I looked up and saw Wesley walk in the hall. He looked tired, bags were evident under his eyes, showing that he didn't get sleep last night. "He's here." I whispered. 

"You should go talk to him." Mona encouraged. 

I nodded and took a deep breath before standing up. I smoothed out my shirt and slowly walked towards him. 

As I got closer, Wesley finally noticed me and gave me a small smile. "Can we talk?" We both said at the exact same time, earning an awkward chuckle from both of us.

"Our room?" He asked and I nodded. 

It was time to talk about it, about us. 

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