Chapter Two - Crawled Up My Ass & Died

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" Ow, watch where you're-" I say but then stop when I look up to see a handsome teenager.

"Hey are you just gonna sit there and check me out all day? Or are you going to let me help you up?" The mysterious blue eyed boy asked with a cheeky grin on his face,

I blushed but then quickly replied" I was not checking you out!" I said grabbing his hand to get up.

" Sure you weren't princess!" he said chuckling.

" I've got to go. Please do everyone a favor and watch where you're going." I snapped.

The blue eyed boy looked a little taken back at my reply but recovered himself

" Feisty! I like it. So what's your name princess?" he said with the same name he called me before, princess.

" It's called none of your goddamn business. Now excuse me I have to go." I snapped as I tried to get past him. But he wouldn't let me.

" Tell me your name and then you can go." he said calmly as I tried to push past him.

" Fine Tessa,  now can I please leave?" I said with a bored tone.

" Yes you may Tessa. I'll see you around." He replied giving me a wink and then headed the opposite direction of me.

Once he's out of sight I sprint back to the apartment and grab the keys. I don't even try and wait for the elevator instead I just take the stairs. After jogging down twelve flights of stairs I finally make it to the lobby.  As I'm jogging to my car my phone rings. Looking down at the screen I see Chloe's caller ID and I answer.

*Phone call*

" Chloe I know I'm late please don't be mad. I ran into this-" I ramble but then I'm cut off.

" Tessa calm down! I don't care that you're late. I'm not even there yet!" she said while laughing.

"Okay well how long will you be? I'm almost  at school." I ask pulling out of the parking lot of my apartment building.

" I'm at Starbucks now, do you want anything?" she says cheekily.

" Yeah, get me a white mocha with extra whipped cream!" I say and hang up.


Once I get to school I talk to some friends and then head to my locker. As I'm opening it out of the corner of my eye I see my brother, William. William O'Connor is my twin brother. He's the funniest and kindest out of all my brothers. Ever since the incident he's been a lot closer to me. William has always been kinda closed off until the incident. After that he became very open and close and I'm happy about that, but I just wish it wouldn't be because of the what happened.

" Hey sis!" William yells bringing me out of my thoughts. " You okay?" he asks with a concerned look on his face.

" Hey! Yea I'm fine I was just thinking about a few things!" I reply adding a smile.

" Okay good!" William says chuckling. " So have you heard about Mason's party?" he asks.

" Ugh!" I groan " don't even get me started on that! And of course I've heard about it everyone is talking about it!" I argue.

" Okay calm down! What crawled up your ass and died this morning?" William asked earning a glare from me.

" Nothing crawled up my ass and died! If anything something crawled up yours cause you stink!" I reply waving my hand in front of my nose.

William looked at me and then sniffed his shirt. " Okay you're right but I do have an excuse!"

" And what might that be?" I grinned.

" I had soccer practice this morning. And I didn't have time to shower because coach made us do suicides until practice was over leaving us 3 minutes to change!" he rambled.

I looked at him dumbfounded then burst out laughing. " You're - so- funny- when- you- ramble" I said between laughs.

" I was not rambling!" William defended.

Which made me laugh even harder causing me to drop to the floor. I'm sure I looked like a lunatic but I couldn't help it. Finally a few minutes later I calmed myself down and sat up against the locker. William sat down next to me and we just sat there for a while.

" Have you gone to your counselor to talk to her about it?" William asks me.

    I don't say anything I just sit there not saying a word as all the memories flash back.Of it. Of him. Of her. Tears begin to form in my eyes but I didn't want to cry or think about it anymore, it was to painful. So I quickly stand up and mutter something along the lines of a goodbye, and then begin to walk off. I hear William calling after me but I just ignore it. He knew that it was a pressy subject for me and I  didn't want to think, talk, or do anything with it. I just wanted to forget it. Forget him. Forget her.

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