Chapter 21

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"Wake up sweetheart. We're here."

I slowly open my eyes. I yawn and raise my arms to stretch,
"Where are we?" I say sleepily.

I look at Xander and he just smiles mischievously, "Why don't you look outside and see."

I look out the window and my eyes widened in shock. All residue of sleep left my system as I saw the beautiful scenery. No. Freaking. Way! There's a big sign that says.


I squeal in excitement. I jump on Xander and leave kisses all over his face.
He just laughs, "Okay okay!"

I jump up and down, "OH MY GOSH! We're in NEW ZEALAND!" I shout.

"Surprise sweetheart!" Xander says laughing.

"I can't believe this! This whole country is practically a forest! We can run all we want!" I squealed. I haven't let my wolf out for a run in so long! She'll love to stretch her legs out and let loose! Being in a place like this, a country known for its beautiful nature is freedom for a werewolf's soul. All troubled thoughts had never came across my mind. I left those thoughts back home and right now I'm not there, I'm here. 

We get all of our stuff and make our way out of the plane. My gaze hits a white van. That must be our ride.
"Hey Izzy?" My mate asks in curiosity.


"What was wrong with you on the plane?" He said with a small amused grin.

"What'd you mean?" I asked nervously.

"You pretty much attacked me? I mean it was great, I loved it. I'm not complaining. It's just that, you've never done that before. It was very...spontaneous." He said.

I feel rise on my cheeks as I remembered what I did. I mentally slapped myself in the face! It was in the heat of the moment! I wasn't thinking straight! I groan.  I can't believe I did that to him! It was pretty much forced pleasure! I didn't mean to do it! I don't even know what came over me! I just suddenly got really...horny. It was so sudden. I was shocked at myself for doing something so unlike me.

I laugh nervously and avoided eye contact, I did not want to have this conversation, "I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the residue of my heat or something?"

He looks confused, "So you were horny?"

I cover my ears as I felt the feeling of a deep cringe crawl over my skin, "Ewww gross! Don't say that word out loud!"

He laughs, "What? You were horny when we had sex?"

I scream in disgust, "When you put it that way we sound like animals mating."

"We kinda are Sweetheart."

"Shut up! shut up! Shut up!"

He takes my hands off of my ears and shouts, "Horny! Sex! Vagina! Penis!"

I screamed then dropped my things and ran away from him. I get myself in the van and leave Xander for the luggage.

Once he gets everything all set and ready, he climbs into his seat.
"You're so immature!" I yelled.

He laugh, "I'm immature?! You cant even say Horny! I bet you can't even say penis either."

"I so can! I grew up with 2 brothers!" I said defiantly.

Xander starts the engine and begins to drive to our secret destination,
"Prove it."

I look at him straight in the eye and say,
"Pe-nish." The word leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth.

XANDER (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now