Chapter 38

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"Xander," I groan, "Why'd you turn the alarm on. Turn it off!" I grap my pillow and put it over my head. I sigh in relief thats better. My peace is short lived when I could still hear the muffled beeping noise. I growl in frustration. I sit up out of the cover, "Xander! I said-" Xander's side was empty. Where has he gone? I put my hand on it. It's ice cold. I frown. Where has he gone? "Xander?" My heart starts to beat. Wait. It wasn't a dream. I look down at myself. I'm still wearing the clothes I wore at the prison. I close my eyes and try to search for any kind of connection to Xander. But I am only met with silence. 

I feel as if I don't even have a heart anymore. I feel nothing but complete brokenness. I stand up from the bed. Everything in our bedroom is still in it's place. Nothing as been touched. Nothing is out of the ordinary. It's as if nothing ever happened. I didn't get taken and Xander didn't die. But that is exactly what happened. I was taken and Xander is dead. I walk into the closet, my nose was met with his scent. It's as if he was still here. I run my hands over his hanged shirts. They'll never be worn ever again. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I hold my necklace. I let the tears run down my face like little rivulets. I look at how our clothes are mixed together slightly and let a small smile reach my lips. He was never organised with his clothing. I'd sometimes find his underwear in my drawers, or one of his shirts. I look in my drawers and find one of his socks in it. I giggle a little, but then my giggle slowly turned into a sob. I sob as I try to find some of my underwear. But my hands touched something cold. I lift it up only for my eyes to see the medallion. I sob even harder. I never got the chance to give it to him. I slowly lower myself onto the floor. I curl myself into a ball and rock myself as I scream and sob. I felt as if my heart was  bleeding and there was no way of stopping it.

"Lizzy?" through my blurred vision, I saw my big brother in the door way of my walk in closet. I stand up on shaky legs and run into his arms. I hold him s tightly as I sob into his chest, "E-E-Eddie, h-he's g-g-gone!" He snakes his arms around me, around his baby sister who is hurting so bad. "Sshhhh, it's okay Lizzy."

"But that's the thing Eddie! It's not okay! everything is not okay! I'M NOT OKAY!"

He just grabs me and drags me back into his chest. He holds the back of my head and rubs my back as he whispers soothing words into my ear. I see something shinny on the door of my closet. I turn my head to see what it was. I was met with my very own reflection. I step out of my brother's arms and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and I have big purple bags. My skin is pale. I've lost quite a bit of weight. But my spirit lifts slightly when I see my baby bump. I put my hands on my belly. My baby is in here growing. He's probably the size of a little plum right now. 

"I kinda forgot I was pregnant." 

Eddie chuckles, "Damn, you're gonna be one hell of a mother."

I smile a little, but it soon dies, "My baby isn't gonna have a father," I whisper, "He's never gonna get to experience anything a son would with a father,"

"Hey," Eddie lays his hand on my shoulder, "He won't be alone, he'll have Uncle Eddie and Uncle Soul, along with Uncle Noah. He wont be alone. We will take care of him Lizzy, I promise. And we will take care of you too. We'll keep you safe."

"Thank you Eddie, but you have your own families to worry about. You have Zapora, Noah has Keith and Soul is just a happy chappy person that loves being free. I don't want to pull you guys down.

He puts his hands on both of my shoulder, "You're not pulling us down Lizzy. We are your family...and family sticks together."

I hug my brother, "Thank you Eddie! I love you so much. I know I don't say that much, but I should."

XANDER (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें