Chapter 25

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2 days ago...when the Alpha and Luna Left...

"Yo Eddie!" I hear Soul yell for my name.

I sighed as I paused my secret show...The Originals, "It was about to get so good!" I groan to myself. Werewolves usually hate these kinds of shows because we receive it as a mockery. Me on the other hand...

I pop my head out of my door. I see the Alpha's brother standing there with a struggling Keith in his arms.

"You are going to help me babysit this monster."

I scoff, "Sure." I said sarcastically. I turn to shut my door, but his hand stops it from closing.

"Nah man. You're going to help me whether you like it or not."

I raise my right eyebrow, "And whys that?"

"Because if you do...I'll make sure Noah will actually let you do some patrolling around the boarders."

My ears perk up as the deal was sounding more attractive. I've been here for a bit and I've grown tired of just wondering around the pack grounds. I've been wanting to do something useful. Lately, I've been begging Noah to let me do SOMETHING with the security of the pack. But he keeps saying, 'You don't have enough skill. And the Luna wouldn't want her brother in danger.'

Pathetic excuses I know. But maybe if Soul'll ask him, I could actually get to do something that contributes my service to the pack.

"How long are we supposed to be taking care of him?" I asked.

"Just for the day." Soul making it sound so simple.

I sighed, "Fine. But, you have to make sure I get in the timetable of shifts for the patrolling, yeah?"

Soul smirks with his head held high and a big smile, "Bro, I'm the Alpha's brother. I can get you almost anything."

I eye him suspiciously, "Okay. So what'd we do with it?"

"It's not an it! It's a little kid!"

I gestured to Kieth with my hand as I said, "Well you called the kid a monster!"

"Yeah but I'm practically his uncle. I have rights." Pathetic excuse...

I roll my eyes, "Sure you do."

I follow Soul and Keith down stairs. We plop ourselves on the couch and...just sit there.

"What do we do?" Soul asks quietly.

I shrug my shoulders and look down at the kid, "What do you want to do Keith?"

He's too engrossed in his thoughts to even listen to me. Kids these days.

"Maybe we should get him some building blocks or something? Kids like this stuff right?" Soul questions anxiously.

"Wow Solomon, have I ever told you how smart you are?" My voice dripping with sarcasm.

Soul frowned in confusion, "No?" 

I shook my head, obviously Soul didn't pick up my joke, "Yeah, well, there's a reason for that."

I see Soul connecting the dots. His eyes widen as he scowls at me"Hey!"

Soul and I try to play with Keith for hours but whatever we give him, he doesn't want it.

"I don't want to do a puzzle! I want to play in mud!" He screams

Soul tries to softly say no, "Sorry little dude, we're on the verge of winter here. The mud will freeze to your skin."

XANDER (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now