Chapter 25- Harry

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Chapter 25- Harry

One more round of pushups, just another 200 to go. I can do it. Just think about wanting to stay in shape. If I finish 200 more pushups then I can eat all I like. That's what I want. I can have breakfast if I finish my workout, and I don't deserve food if I don't finish it. Simple as that, I think.

"I was 'round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain." Rolling stones could get me moving. Food, my motivation and good music, my drive. 

My variety of songs that came from my phone in my short's pocket was soon running out as I was getting closer and closer to my goal. I had finished lifting weights, running and I was determined to finish my push-ups.

"172, 173, 174." Louis watched me drown in the pain of my arms, as he leaned on the wall of our gym room. "Nearly there. 175, 176, 177." Then for some reason Louis left the gym, leaving me alone to finish my workout. I decided to tear out my earphones from my ears, after my 184th pushup and carried on. 185, 186, 187. I heard muffled sounds of Louis talking and a slight cold breeze came in to the gym, meaning there must of been someone at my door, that Louis had to answer to. 188, 189, 190, 191,192. 

"Louis, who is it?" I shouted through my crushed teeth, using up all my last breaths. 193, 194, 195, 196. I felt like collapsing. 

"Urm no one. Don't worry." His voice strained, making him sound slightly anxious and rushed for some reason. Maybe it was just a couple of fans wanting a photo with us?

198, 199, 200. Finished. My body smacked to the hard ground and my lungs pumped faster than the speed of light. I reached for my bottle of water and towel, taking large sips from the yellow bottle and using the towel to get rid of almost all of the sweat on my body, before getting up on my weak feet. I made my way through the rooms, leaving my bottle and towel in the living room before seeing Louis secretly talking to someone through the tiny gap between the door and the wall.

"Louis, it's my house. I can see who's at my door." I said, before making him move to the side. His face curled up at me, looking like I did something completely awful to him. I opened the door and she was there.

Daisy. I couldn't believe it. She was at my doorstep. I saw her again. I could see her in real life...not in my head..o-or in my dreams. She was real. It was her. Daisy Smith, at my doorstep. The most incredible woman I've met so far in my life. My hands dropped from the place I put them on the wooden door, replacing a faint that could of happened to my whole body. She was wearing that same leather jacket that I saw her in on the exam day and in the park, dark washed skinny jeans and an elegant detailed white top. 

And she looked amazing. Stunning.

"Daisy." I couldn't manage myself to say anything else. Just her name. Her beautiful name. I needed to take a second to breath and space myself. I just couldn't believe it. I thought she hated me and all of a sudden she's standing nervously by my front steps. It just wasn't real to me. "What are you doing here?" I opened the door up so I could see her fully. 

"I want to speak with you. If that's alright?" I looked in to the beautiful green eyes she owned. Dazzling through mine, like a laser. I could stare in to those eyes every second of the day if she were mine. How could she not have a boyfriend? Why not? Why was she wasting her time on me anyway? I thought she had enough of me wasting her time?

I stared at her, forgetting about what she just asked. My eyes kept examining every detail of her face, the way she blinked her thick, dark eyelashes was so soft and effortless, her shaded green eyes shimmered gracefully in the sunlight that leaked from one side of my front garden, her skin looked so smooth and baby like. I couldn't believe it. I'm not religious or anything, but god damnit...she looked like an angel. She really did. The most beautiful angel ever. 

Lost (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora