Chapter 38- Daisy

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Chapter 38- Daisy

"Yeah, so I have another holiday in about two weeks time." 

"Oh really? So do I." Harry looked over. He was handing me the dishes he had just washed, so that I could dry them off with a tea towel. 

"I swear someone is pairing our holidays together? Haha." I smiled.

"Haha yeah." 

As we finished off clearing the table after an amazing meal that Harry cooked- it was a really good curry- and had washed all the dirty and used cutlery, we went back in to the living room and started to watch some night time TV.

My stomach was fine after I had eaten and my legs didn't feel weak anymore due to that pain being gone. My face ached like mad, though, especially under my eye. I checked my face in Harry's large toilet mirror and jeez the colour on that bruise was not to be missed out of sight. It was a proper, dark purple and I hoped that Alice's face was the same colour as mine. 

"You feeling ok?" I could see his green eyes lift with his head, turning his body upwards so he could look at me, over the edge of the sofa. "You know? Feeling sick after eating?"

"I actually feel better." I smiled thankfully. I could see a small and reassuring smile playing on his lips, before he put himself back down, the back of his head resting on the end.

As we continued to watch Alan Carr's "Chatty Man", I found myself not staring at the screen but at him. He was being so kind to me, it felt un-real. I've never been concerned about someone helping me out before but he was really over doing it. The way he was the one who came and picked me up, the way that he was the one who carried me when I couldn't walk, the way that he made sure I was alright by tucking me in with warm and cosy blankets. It was weird, to me, simply because...I haven't been cared for in such a long time. I've never been treated so nicely and some part of me tells me I like that but then the other side tells me I hate it. I don't know what side to believe?

I wish I could be like him. I wish I could help someone else but I can't. It's always about fucking me and somehow I know there's no way I'm going to permanently fix that. I wish I could just feel the need to help a friend like that, I wish I could pay back all the nice things he's actually done for me but, I don't think I can. It's all too much.

"Harry." His head turned towards me, again. "What am I going to say to Hailey?" I had noticed it was getting late and I needed an explanation as to where I had been all day. She had texted me several times and I needed to reply as quickly as possible, making sure she didn't get suspicious. 

My face fell nervously, looking down at the fluff on my socks that where laid underneath my clasped hands. I didn't care to look up as I heard Harry turn off the TV to come and sit next to me. "Just tell her your with me. That's the truth, right?" I looked up to him. He looked worried for me, for some reason.

"What and just come back to her with these bruises on my face? She'd be thinking that you pushed me down the stairs or something." I buried my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do and I shouldn't of left it so late. "Urgh...why did I have to do that!?" 

"You were only trying to help Hailey." He defended me.

"Yeah but it was pretty stupid. A fight's gotten me nowhere other than looking at these ugly blotches on my face, in the mirror and in a situation where I could loose her again. I don't want that to come back." I sighed. I wanted to cry so badly but I reminded myself of who I was meant to be, once again. My legs tucked themselves in to the white blanket that was left on the sofa, making Harry stare at me with a burning glare. "I'm such a messed up person." 

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