Chapter 67- Harry

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Chapter 67- Harry

Two weeks in and I had been having the best time of my life in France. 

Me and the boys had done four shows in total, leaving seven more to come- yet we had finished for a bit. We had a couple days of rest, before going up to places like St. Tropez, Lodeve and Bordeaux. The whole of the second week was stressful and busy, due to the four concerts, billions of sound checks, security patrols and interviews. At least, I could then rest. 

Me and Daisy have had managed to fit quite a lot of private time in, even with the schedule and I wasn't the only busy one. It looked like the leisure crew from the hotel wanted to keep her in France, because she was practically teaching people everyday- sometimes alone and other times with Danielle. 

Talking about Daisy dancing. I got to see her. I got to see her dance, for once. She's always hiding her talents from me, her singing, her dancing and I finally got to witness the best couple of minutes of my life, looking through a glass window, watching down on her. She's amazing. The way her body moves to the music was just...un-describable. She left me speechless that day. 

I hadn't seen her in the actual classes by that time, but I hoped to be able to get the chance to watch her again. I bet she'd be a great dance teacher. I can see her up on stage, actually. I wonder if she'd like to dance on a stage, with millions of people watching her. Just wondering, because I know how much she hates attention. 

Anyway, the beginning of the third week. It was July 22nd, a Sunday, when management got a call from a local bakery. Apparently, they had asked us to come in, for a baking session and to bake French pastries with the chef. It wasn't for publication, it wasn't for the paparazzi, it was just for us and for the bakery, itself, to get a little bit more attention drawn to it. Security would have it fully secured for us, meaning that everyone was invited- including Daisy. 

Of course, being the anxious, worried person she can be sometimes, I was still drowned in bothered and concerning questions for about half an hour, before being told we had to go. Also, Daisy told me that Hailey knows everything and that the Cornwall thing wasn't a surprise to her. I was obviously fine about that, due to Daisy actually admitting to someone that she likes me. 

Due to Hailey's knowledge, she kindly and giddily moved out of the way, making me sit next to Daisy in the van/ taxi thing we were taken in to the bakery. I didn't really know if her gesture was a good or bad thing. Bad, because of the way she gave up the seat with an woozy grin and a squeal. Good, because I got to sit next to Daisy. 

"You don't have anything on tonight, do you?" She asked.

My head turned to see her eyes were still directed at the roads, outside the window next to her. Her right hand side of her body, and head rested against the glass and side of the van, her hands warming in between her thighs, yet her eyes never lifted to wonder why I took so long to answer. 

You were staring at her for too long, that's why.

"No. You?" She shook her head in reply. Again, her eyes on the French views that we passed. "So, can I watch Downton Abbey with you again?"

"That's why I asked." I saw the corners of her lips turn upwards. "Just checking to see you weren't going to stand me up."

"Well I wasn't planning on doing so. I'll be there, at nine exactly." I confirmed. 


I may have been busy with work and singing, being in different places other than the hotel, but even if I hadn't seen Daisy for the whole day (which is hard, trust me) I'd have many hours where we'd have time to at least, to say a hello. One of which, is a time period between nine and ten O' clock at night, on a Sunday. Downton Abbey, the show we both love. I thought the first time I asked to watch it with her, on her bed, in her room, would be the last time. But, it looks like I didn't just get the second, but I was getting the third week with her as well.

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