Chapter 27

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Aliyah Harper was born at the stroke of midnight with the most beautiful eyes and a dimple on her right cheek my best friend and self proclaimed baby daddy held my hand the whole time while the copy and paste version of her real father sat outside my room. She had opened her eyes only twice before falling asleep since I had pushed her out. It seemed like she was going to be a quiet baby.

"Jesus you're making me want a baby." Matty says as he cradles my little angel next to my hospital bed.

"I hate to say it babe but you and Jason make a pretty baby." he adds looking up to meet my eyes."  You want me to let him in?" he asks 

"Sure."  I say. He bends to put her in my arms . I almost rush to grab her. Who knew motherly over protection was so strong. He gives my hair a quick kiss before getting up and going to the door. I look into my baby's eyes which were half opening and closing as she  yawns exposing the cutest pink little gums. Their shade only too familiar and quite striking  on a baby who has just been born. They were a startling grey . Exactly like the man who fathered her. I never thought a baby could be born with such distinct features. Matty said she looked like me. I agreed, but her eyes, they were exactly like Jason's'. Only her grey took up her whole eye. I could only see a hint of the whites of her eyes. I know she'll grow into her eyes but just looking at them, it gave me a sense of comfort surprisingly. The only good thing to come out of that man. The only thing I would ever be grateful for since meeting him.Dr. Palmer and I had come a long way since a few months ago I wouldn't wan even his name mentioned near me.

"Can I come in?" 

I hear Jamie's voice ask and the one feeling that won't go away even after being around him for these past few months was the initial surprise of seeing their resemblance.

"Of course." I say before looking down at my angel as she shifts slightly. He's a bit hesitant to get in but he walks to us slowly. Like he's scared I'll change my mind. He looks down to the bundle in my arms  and I see his eyes glistening. 

"She's gorgeous." He says and I smile drawing my finger on her cheek.

"C- can I.."

" Yeah", I say moving her towards him. I hand her to him  and I see a tear roll down his cheek. I look at him. Really look at him. Why couldn't I have met him instead of Jason. The sheer look of love on his face as he looked at my angel, a smile on his face. They may have been twins but the difference between the two men was so stark I feel stupid for missing it the first time I met Jamie at the station. 

"What's her name?" he asks his eyes not leaving her.

"Aliyah Harper."

He smiles his thumb rubbing circles on her back as he supports her,"That's perfect."

 He moves to hand her back to me and I take her in my arms. He sits by my bed as I place her more comfortably on me.

"I, uh, I just wanted to ask, If you don't mind . Do you mind having me around?"

I look up at that.

"I know it's hard for you, to look at me, I'd just, I'd like to be there. For the both of you. And not because I feel obligated or guilt. Because I like being around you and Matty and I would like to be apart of Aliyah's life too. I know I'm asking a lot but , would you think about it?"

I had spoken to Dr. Palmer about this. I knew this would come. The day he would ask me if he could be around his niece. We had discussed how I felt about him and she had told me that maybe I was in love with Jason in the beginning. And I realized that I had loved him in a way. Or the idea of him at least. She said that I needed to face my fear of the Jason he showed himself to be not the one I loved. She said that I might be projecting what I felt for Jason on Jamie. Which seemed to be true . There were times I couldn't stand him at all. And then there were times I forgot what his brother had done and I liked having him around.I didn't know where I stood with my emotions and I had just given birth, so there was no hope for me knowing exactly where I stood with my emotions. At least not today. But Jamie wasn't Jason and there was no point in denying him the opportunity to see his only other family, my Aliyah. At least according to Dr. Palmer.

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