chapter nine...

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My head was spinning. I was panicking. After a really long day at work I got home to the disshevelled state of my bed only to realise something. He hadn't wrapped it up. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do. Matty, he'll know what to do.He always knows what to do

"You did what?!" He yelled eyes wide open.

"I know, I wasn't thinking straight"


"You're not really helping right now" I said sitting down next to him.

"Come on, we need to be at the drug store"

"Why? Its already done"I said with an eye roll.

"Morning after pills? Plus we need to buy you the neccessary and some pills to avoid a repeat performance"

"Right , why didnt i think of that"

"Your brain isn't functioning right, come on"He said taking my hand and leading me to his car.

We got to the local drugstore where the woman who checked out what we had picked out pretty much condemned me to hell with her eyes.So judgemental. Matty shamelessly added another pack of trojans while smiling to piss her off even more when she was done checking us out. As we walked out of the store laughing, I walked into a large chest causing me stumble but familiar large hands steadied me.

"Hey there"

I looked up to meet those beautiful grey eyes.

"What are those?" He asked looking at the spilled contents of my purchases on the ground. I was officially past embarrassed. I dropped down as quickly as I could and stuffed them into the plastic bag that was also on the ground but he was on his knees with me and held the contraceptives in their pack in his hands.

"What's all this?"

He asked handing them to me slowly.Thank god it was late and there was only a handful of people around who luckily hadnt witnessed my mortification. Matty however wasnt sparing me. He was clutching his stomach laughing even harder than before causing the few people around to give  him irritated and dissaproving looks.

"This is me being careful" I said slightly pissed at the situation. Matty walked up to my side still chuckling.

"I take it you two know each other" he said between chuckling.

"This is Jason, Jason , Matty my best friend" I said clutching the plastic bag close to me.

Matty's eyes lit up mischeviously as they widened.

"Oh this is too good" he said smiling. "Nice to meet you man"

"Nice to meet you too" Jason shook Matty's hand his eyes not leaving mine.

"You two need a minute, i'll be in the car K" he walked away that damn grin on his face.

I stood there not knowing where to look with Jason looking down at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked to break the brief silence.

"I wanted to see you" he said smiling. his hands were now in his pockets

"Well this is awkward"

"Only if those aren't for me" he said nodding to the plastic bag a serious look on his face.

"We weren't too careful last night" I said cringing a bit.

"I know" he said smiling slightly."But there's no need for those"

"Not if i don't want to have kids right now" I said my eyes shooting up to meet his face.

"I meant the pills" He said chuckling" I'll be careful next time."  "Plus there's no harm in having a baby"

What did he just say?

"Relax, i'm only messing with you" he added seeing the panic on my face.

"I'm twenty three, the last thing I would want right now is a is another kid to take care of on top of Matty" I said nervouly laughing.

"Plus what makes you think there'll be a next time" I added smiling.

"You're buying those arent you?" he said a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Cant argue with that now can I."   "I gotta go. I have work tomorrow"

"Do you need a ride?"

"No Matty will drop me off, dont want to keep him waiting too long"

"Okay, so i'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure" I said walking away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him gently

"Dont I get a kiss?"

I smiled weakly before standing on my toes to kiss him. The kiss was intense on his part. It was the kind of kiss you give a lover going away for a long time. I had to pull away before he mauled me roght in the middle of an audience.

"Good night"


The minute I got into the car Matty gave me a toothy grin.

"Dont even start"

"I wont, I wont" he said starting the car " He's tall"

"I know" I said matter of factly.

"Handsome too"


"Fine, fine, sorry"

We got to my house and I went to change into my pj's when I heard Matty call me.


"Come check this out!" I went to the living room to see the late night news was on. 

"Some kid and his mum were murdered today, they lived like five minutes from here. The picture on the t.v. screen looked familiar.The news reporter was speaking in the background as they showed photos of the family.

The victims Chase Murray a twenty year old student at Baraton college and his mother Lacey Murray were found dead , strapped to chairs with multiple stab wounds on thier bodies by their housekeeper. Sources say that nobody was seen entering or leaving the house.The police department commented that they were working hard to find the killer though there are no suspects at this time. This leads us to ask,how safe are we in our homes"

Then it hit me. The bar last night. 

"That's the kid who gropped me"

"Are you sure?" Matty asked scrunching his nose up

"Yeah its him"

"Must have been a troublemaker then" He said shrugging as he got up.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I'm beat" he pecked my cheek before walking to the door " lock up we dont want you on the news tomorrow" He said smiling before walking out. I immediately locked the door after him and went to bed. But as I lay in bed I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy and his family. My eyes were roaming the ceiling when my thoughts went to Jason. Wait a minute, how did he know I was at the drug store?

hi guys, its unedited but bare with me , I got school and stuff. Next update coming very soon:)

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