[02] - here's johnny

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It wasn't until a couple days later when Tony, Reed and Ben were heading to the station where they would be getting ready for the mission

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It wasn't until a couple days later when Tony, Reed and Ben were heading to the station where they would be getting ready for the mission. Tony watched from afar as someone rode on a motorcycle right next to an expensive looking car before the car turned around and the motorcycle kept coming in their direction. Ben and Reed were watching the person through pairs of binoculars as Tony just stood there, not seeing the point in watching.

"Can't do it. Can not do it." Ben said, putting down his binoculars and walking away from the railing.

"External S.R.B.'s, orbital system engines. It's just like the shuttle you flew-"

Ben cut Reed off, anger and annoyance laced in his voice, "No! I cannot take orders from the underwear model."

"Oh, come on, now."

"That wingnut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabees into a flight simulator."

"Youthful high spirits."

"They crashed it into a wall." Ben said, staring Reed right in the face. Tony let out a laugh before getting a look from Ben and shutting up. "A flight simulator."

Doctor Richards took a second before sighing and looking at his best friend, "When have I ever asked you to do something you absolutely said you could not do?"

"Five times." Ben said, not missing a beat and holding up five fingers. He then started to walk away when Reed yelled to him.

"I had it at four."

"Well, this makes five!"

Watching Ben leave, Tony looked to Doctor Richards and asked what has been on her mind for the past couple of days. "Doctor Richards, is Susan's brother really that bad?"

"He's very....he can be a little too much sometimes." Reed explained. Tony nodded before following her boss down the stairs Ben had gone down. "You'll understand when you meet him."


Inside the building; Ben, Tony and Reed were getting ready for the launch. Reed was looking over some last minute calculations about the storm while Tony was double checking on the plants that Ben would be placing outside the station. Being a botanist as well an astrophysicist, Tony's job was to make sure the plants could all help the Earth later on. She was closing the capsule to one of the plants when a voice broke the small silence that had covered the room.

"Captain on the bridge!"

Tony's head shot up to Ben who had practically jumped up into a soldier like stance at the sound of the voice. There was a small flash before Tony turned and saw someone taking a picture of Ben. This guy looked around her age with short, almost buzzed cut, looking dark blonde hair and dressed in a skin tight blue suit. The man put down his arms and continued into the room, looking down at the picture he had just taken. "Digital camera: $254. Memory stick: $59. The look on you hard-ass former C.O.'s face when he finds out he's your junior officer: priceless." Reed had watched what happened with a hidden smile and Ben looked at the newcomer with what Tony could only call annoyance and hatred.

This must be Johnny.

Ben walked over to Johnny very slowly and stared at him with a frown on his face, and for a second Tony thought Ben was gonna slug the guy. But when he goes to grab his neck, Ben fixes the zipper to Johnny's suit. Johnny chuckles and looks up at the other man, "Thank you, that's so sweet."

"I can handle the ship," Ben says, trying to move past his anger. "I can even handle Mr. Blonde Ambition. But I don't know if I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits."

"You'd be the most graceful ballerina if we were doing Swan Lake, Ben." Tony said with a smirk. She caught Johnny turning his head in her direction, so she turned and sent a small wave. The room was again intruded on when Susan walked in dressed in a similar suit to Johnny's, but the zipper was more open, revealing some cleavage to the group.

"Victor came up with them. The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs."

"See, that means it keeps the hot stuff hot and cool stuff cool." Johnny further explained, looking at Ben then to Tony as he was talking. The way he said it was like he was trying to explain to a bunch of third graders, which made Tony's view on the man a little sour.

"I got it." She said with a little force to get her point across, getting up from her spot and placing her plant near Reed's work. She saw Reed also stand up and look at Susan with shock.

"Wow. Fantastic." Reed's astonished voice did not go unnoticed by Tony, Ben and Susan. Susan smiled a little smugly about Reed's reaction, but then it fell when he continued on, "Material made from self-regulating, unstable molecules. I've been working on a formula for this."

Everyone in the room could sense the tension growing between Susan and Reed, you could probably cut it with a knife. "Great minds think alike. Here ya go Ben." Susan handed Ben a more silver suit which Tony assumed would go over the blue suit they all had to wear.

"Thanks sweetie."

"And this one is for you." Susan handed Tony's hers just as gently as she did Ben's and Tony sent her a small smile. But when it came to Reed, you could see the hostility. "Reed." Susan just threw the suit in Reed's direction, not looking back to see if he had caught it.

"Hey-ah Susan." Tony said, running up to meet the woman. Susan turned to her and smiled, "I was wondering if there was another place I could change. I don't think accidentally flashing my boss and your brother is a good way to start the trip."

Susan laughed and put her hand on Tony's back, pushing her to the door she entered in. "Yeah, there's the room I used to change. I can show you there."


"Hey, you don't need to be shy sweetheart. We're all friends here." Johnny said as Tony went to grab her bag from the floor. She looked at him as he raised his eyebrows at her, trying to gauge her reaction. Before she could respond, Ben laughed at what Johnny had said.

"Yeah, kid. All peas in a pod." Ben said. That made Tony smile and head to her cubbie where she had her blue suit. She looked at Johnny one more time before rolling her eyes and leaving the room with Susan. Johnny watched the red head go and once she was out of the room, turned to Ben and Reed.

"Whose the chick?" He asked, his thumb pointing to where she left.

"Antonia Bradshaw, also known as Tony and Not-Your-Type." Ben informed the younger man.

"What makes you say that?"

"She actually has some brains and class."

so chapter 2 is now up :) yaay

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