Chapter 9

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            Blake POV (Lycan King)

My eyes shoot open as I force myself from the sleep. The first thing I see is the ceiling of a house, realizing I'm not inside the silver box. I frown as I quickly get to my feet. I don't know and really don't care how I got out, but they have made a big mistake.

I looking around the room seeing no one, but I can smell the wolves in the next room. Going into the next room, I quickly grab the first male throwing him across the room like a rag doll, sending him crashing into the wall.

I move quickly to him across the room.

Before he has a chance to hit the floor, I sink claws into him, slicing through him like a knife through butter, before letting his body fall limp to the floor.

I glare back I see the other male standing there frozen with wide eyes.

I growl out as I move across the room, placing front kick to his chest, sending him crashing into the wall, hearing the sound of bones breaking.

Going over to rip his throat, he quickly starts to scoot away from me up against the wall.

"Pl-please, we set you free. We help to free you!" He continues to try to scoot away from me unable to move any further. He's holding his side with one hand, while he holds his other hand out towards me trying to get me to stop.

I stand to my full height glaring down at this male bloody face. I let out a low growl before walking past him back into the next room, allowing him to keep his life.

Walking back into the room, I go over to Tim and let out a loud roar forcing the beast in him to come forward, bring him out of his sleep. His eyes shoot open and he quickly sits up looking around, realizing we're not in that silver box anymore.

"What happened!? How did you get us out!?" He growls out, quickly standing to his feet frowning as he looks around.

"I didn't get us out." Was all I said before going up the stairs into the first bedroom to my right. I go into the closet grabbing some clothes and put them on.

"What happened?" Tim asks once I come back down the stairs.

"The two males in the next room freed us." I throw him some clothes so he can get dressed. I don't have any time to waste. I'm going to find every last one of those firstborn alphas.

"Why are they still alive?!" Tim let out a growl walking towards the room the two males are in.

"Leave them be." He let out a growl glaring back at me. A growl vibrant my chest causing him to bow his head looking down. He looks back towards the males for a second and let out a low growl before turning around coming back.

Tim wants to spill blood. Good, because there's going to be a lot of bloodsheds very soon.

"What now?" Tim ask putting on the clothes I gave him.

"We're going to my land." I walk past him leaving out this house. I'm sure one of those power-hungry alphas couldn't resist claiming a land as big as mine. I know I will find one of them there, and before I kill him he will tell me where to find this alpha king.

Stepping outside into the night and close my eyes as I take in a deep breath of fresh air. After being locked inside that box breathing in them little flakes of silver, this fresh air feels good going into my lungs.

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