Chapter 4 He's real

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70 years later

     Alia POV

Hearing my phone ring, I pick it up and look at the screen to see that it's BJ calling, causing a smile to spread across my face. It has been almost a year since we found each other, but I don't get to see him as much as I should and would like to.

"Hey," I answer the phone happy to hear from him.

"Hey, what are you up to?" Just the sound of his voice makes my stomach do flips. I get up and walk to my room door. I look out into the hallway of the packhouse to see my two personal guards that my father makes follow me everywhere standing on both sides of my room door, making sure to keep an eye on me.

"Do you need anything Alia?" One of my guards asks me.

"No I'm okay" I give him a smile before closing my room door and locking it. I walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me and locking it too.

"Nothing much just got back from a run," I tell him, taking a seat on the bathroom sink.

"Have you found anything yet?" He asks.

"No, I haven't been able to get away from my guards, but I'm going to sneak out tonight to search my father's office. I'm sure it has to be in there." I tell him whispering.

"I don't like you doing this. I do want you to get caught, Alia. There has to be another way." BJ tells me.

I let out a sigh. "There is no other way BJ, I have to find it tonight. The quicker I find it the quicker he can fix everything. I'm the alpha daughter so if I do get caught what's the worse that can happen, he's not going to hurt his baby girl." We have been trying to find the location of the lycan king every since BJ and I went to this party. We overheard one of the alphas drunk kids at the party talking about how the lycan king is locked away, and that only the firstborn alphas and the alpha king have the maps to the location where he is locked away.

Nobody at the party took the guy seriously, but you know what they say, a drunk man tells no lies. Many people say that the Lycan king is dead. There are many different stories about the Lycan King. Some of the stories say he was a good guy and others say he was this savage monster. It's so many different stories, so many wolves including myself who wasn't around durn the time of the lycan king think that he's only a legend and that most of the stories were made up to scare us as kids. But the things I have found out over the past few months prove that he's real and that the drunk male wasn't just talking nonsense.

They say there was once peace amongst the wolves, and we lived in peace with all the other supernatural creatures. But when word got out about the Lycan king being dead, some of the werewolves started breaking the laws that the Lycan king had set to keep the peace amongst the wolves, and with the other supernatural creatures.

With him not being there to uphold the law and keep the wolves in line, things started to fall apart. The wolves are out of control. Humans are even being killed by wolves. Instead of the alpha king getting the wolves under control, he just sits back and lets the wolves cause chaos amongst all the supernatural world. Now the vampires and wolves are at war again.

Instead of coming together to fight against the bloodsuckers, the packs are too busy fighting amongst ourselves. When we finding the Lycan king and set him free, he will bring order amongst the werewolves. Word has it that he ended the war between the wolves and vampires before hundreds of years ago. So I'm sure he can do it again before thousands of innocent people get killed.

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