Chapter 5-Choices

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Hello! Thank you for sticking up till now! :)

I dedicate this chapter to haleyTheVamp (sorry I can't add two readers haha I'll dedicate the next one to you promise!) and parisgirl357! :) You guys make me feel all giddy and you motivate me to update faster ☺

I'm sorry but it might take a week or so before I update again. I'll be joining a journalism (editorial writing) contest tomorrow until Saturday so wish me luck! :( It's my last year and I do hope I can bring home the bacon. Hehe. Enough about me, here you go! :) Enjoy 




Isabella Marie Swan Cullen

I don't know how long we sat there.

I feel like an idiot. I'm alone now again in my home.

I didn't know why but I sort of feel that  should be with him.. I, I, No, that's not it.. it can't be. I've only known him for a day, for crying out loud! Somehow, I can't say that I miss him...Right?


"So, Who are you?" The curious stranger asked.

"That's unfair, and you know it. I will tell you my name when I don't even know yours?"

I shook my head slowly and muttered "Unfair. Unfair."

"Well, why do you want to know me?" He said.

Gah! He was talking to me and holding my hand and I don't even know his name? What kind of vampire was he born in? maybe he’s a new one, just changed. But some part of me knew he was a gentleman. Old. Classic. Like me?

"Well if you won't, then I won't too." I said, a little stubborn.

"Well, fine anyway. I'm Edward. Nice to meet you." He said. He squeezed my hand.

“Isabella,” I replied.

“A fitting name.” 

I couldn't describe the feeling I felt after that. I was, you see, kind of hoping he will kiss my hand, Like the way of meeting young ladies for the first time during my time. I know, I know, reality is different from dreams. Besides, wasn’t I a “proper young lady? What happened to that woman? 

How can I think like this when I'm thinking about my father?

I was right.

A vampire can go mad.

Very funny.

"What's wrong?" Damn. He realized I was grimacing. 


"Don't believe you madam."

"Then don't." I challenged with narrowed eyes. 

"Fine. Anyway..really,  what's bothering you? I saw you crying a little earlier. Broken up with your vampire boyfriend or something?" He was teasing me- and I knew it, but when I looked into his eyes, I see anxiousness there. And if I'm right a little jealousy? No, I'm overlooking things as usual, haha.


No, No, Bella. Stop thinking about that. no, no, No

he squeezed my hand to sort of remind me I was talking to him..

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