Chapter 8-Confessions

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Hello and thank you for still reading. I know this is not the place to ask for help but in behalf of the whole Philippines, I am asking for your help financially or through prayers for our country's recovery. :( I am a Filipino, my area was not that affected compared to the others but it hurts me to see my countrymen suffering. I cry for the corpses hanging on the trees and rotting in the sidewalks. I cry for the lost futures, children and old alike. I cry for the hungry who has no access to electricity, comfort rooms, food or even potable drinking water for five long days now. I am asking for your help. If you want to donate, please email me ASAP and I'll give you the link of our country's top charities you can donate to.  If you, however, do not have the means then I urge,  I beg you to please pray.  Please pray for the victims, survivors of the calamity. In behalf also of my whole nation, I thank the other nations and it's citizens who had lend us a helping hand, financially or otherwise. May God Bless us all. 



Carlisle Cullen

"You don't have to thank her." came a lovely voice from the doorway.

Esmeralda Eleanor Smith.

“No.” I whispered, in a voice I barely recognized as my own.

It wasn’t her that changed Bella, was it? Immediately my mind began calculating. She was a nomad when I met her, With near perfect control in her thirst. This meant to me that she could have succeeded in indeed changing a human. Bella was changed around her 17th year… The year we got married and made love for the first time... after she left for a few weeks after a huge argument we had, in which we found out we were in love with each other in light of the separation. 

“No.” I whispered again.

My eyes sought hers. Disbelief echoed in my face, mixed with the pain of betrayal. I tried to deny it again and again, looking without seeing the way her eyes pleaded with mine.

Anger reared it’s ugly head inside me.

After all these years, she knew, and she didn’t tell me? After all the times she saw me trace my little girl’s picture she never once informed me that she is alive? Maybe she laughed after pretending to console me, thinking of how stupid I was. 

She betrayed me! She never once loved me, because if she did, she would have not wanted to see me spending my life in misery.

How could she?  

Even without my son’s powers, I knew what she told me without a word passing between us. Shame. Sadness. Hurt.

Let me explain, her eyes begged.

And I knew she understood what my own told her.

Disbelief. Mistrust…Hate.


It was then that I remembered we were not alone. Bella was still by my side. I broke eye contact with the traitor’s eyes, mocking the way they whispered sorry.

I took in my daughter’s reaction. She was very easy to read, and I was surprised to see only amazement on her face.

No anger nor pain.

Instead, she was calculating something, from the way her forehead creased a little. 

I was shocked. Shouldn’t she be shouting obscenities at the traitor right now? She, after all, cursed her in this way of life. She should be breaking the traitor’s bones to pieces, and frankly at this moment, I would have had joined her and force my authority on my coven to join us.

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