Chapter 6-Decisions

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Hello guys! Sorry for the long wait, I was very busy :( Thank you for the comments and favorites :D 





Carlisle Cullen


Esme “delivered lunch” at the hospital today.

Of course the nurses were ashamed for thinking they stood a chance with this woman-my woman. 

Fury was still there for the man who very clearly suggested that she’ll be “better off with him.”

But then I smiled as I remembered Esme kissing me as reply.

I went home with the most beautiful woman holding my hand, sending electric parks with her hands. People stared- some delighted, some as if blinded, but most with jealousy. Esme squeezed my hand as if to agree and smiled, just like she always does.

We drove home singing along to an old record. She leaned her head on my shoulder and stroked my arms gently. I looked at her reflectively. Unbesknown to her, my mind was bombarded with different questions.

How did I deserve her?

I closed my eyes in silent prayer. Thank you, dear Lord, for giving me a heavenly wife and the best children.. thank you for giving me another chance to be happy.

Crnturies have passed, seasons had changed.. but the pain? It had dimmed..but it is still there.

A piece is still missing in the puzzle of my life.

My daughter-what really happened to her.

When I began getting rich, I paid for my family's grave to be examined and investigated-Marie's and Bella's.

It was what I had suspected, Marie's remains were there. I have accepted that Marie is well and truly with the Lord. Everytime we visit the area, I leave her freesias-her favorite flower. 

Isabella, however, is a different matter. Her grave contained nothing but dust...she was not there.  I had searched over and over to no avail but I had never found her final place-and I consider it my mission to do so. I have not yet succeeded and I will never cease until I do. 

My daughter, ah, Isabella, my sweet Isabella. 

Esme smoothed the crease on my forehead and asked what's wrong. I dint need to answer because I know she knows what anyway. I knew that I had to keep what I feel inside because seeing me hurting will her too, maybe even more than it hurts me.

I composed myself and she kissed my cheek. Worry was still clear on her face and her eyes were tinged with pain.  

This time I was the one who kissed her.


I am on my study now, tracing the picture of a little girl that I know would never come back to me.

The little emerald eyes like mine were, soft shiny brown hair that has a tint of red in the sun, little pink lips , a heart-shaped pretty face and the angelic smile. This is the best Alice can sketch for me. She drew this with the little excerpts from my memory that I can remember.

Sometimes, I wonder why I didn't look for this little girl- my only little girl and my wife when I had the chance.


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