Chapter 2

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Zero was walking through the hallway. He stop in front of a door. He look up the sign said 'infirmary'

He twist the knob and enter.

"Oh hello, you must be...." the words stop when the nurse the most beautiful person of all

Zero stare at the nurse. He can tell she had been bitten by a pureblood. Now, she a level D, nearly level E

It only a few minutes till she lost herself

"Zero" ichiru cheerfully scream

"Hey ichiru" giving little kiss on his forehead making him squeal

"So...... wanna tell me why you get into this situation?" Zero innocently ask

Ichiru flush of embarrassment. He couldn't tell zero-nii, what he did

They heard growl. Ichiru bury himself deeper into zero embrace. Feeling very scare

Zero protectively wrap around ichiru. The nurse has finally fallen

The nurse growl and her eyes landed on ichiru. She want him. She want his blood

Zero notice this. Before he could uses his power. A male hunter busted in

If zero remember correctly, this is the hunter that train ichiru. Toga yagari

Toga busted into the infirmary when he sense a level E. The moment he enter, he see his fiance had become a level E but he also sense another presence. Only this one, a lot stronger

He turn to where the vampire sit. He shock when he sees the vampire protectively wrap around his student in his arms. Like a mother protect her child

Suddenly, the nurse attack him off guard. Blinded his one eyes

Zero eyes widen. His shock turn into anger. How dare she....


The level E stop when she heard the powerful command. More powerful than her master. Her body tremble at the immense aura wrap around her

Toga stare at the vampire confuse. How did he be able to command a level E

Then it hit him. The kiryu once said that they had taken in a vampire. A vampire who agree became the second guardian of the kiryu family. If anything happen to them. They also said that this vampire different. He's a lot more gentle and mothering they ever met. He's also one of the vampire that was born as the first generations of all vampires. Even before purebloods exist. They are the true parents/creator of all vampires

At first, toga did not believe it. Now he sees it in front of his eyes. He know he couldn't denied it

"Submit" zero command making the level E immediately submit to him

Toga awwe at the scene.

The level E fall to her knees and bow her head. Her whole body tremble with fear

"Tell me, which one of my children turn you" he demand

The level E mummer something but did not hear her voice clearly

"Speak up"

The level E squeak "sara....... sara shirabuki"

"Why would she turn you?" Zero ask lowering his power of command. But his aura still wrap around the level E

"To capture hunters and bring them to her so she could turn them into slaves and build a huge army" she said

"Why" he growl sending killer aura making the wall and glass cracks

"S-so she could prove..... that she.... the strongest..... female pureblood.... of all....... and..... marry..... the king of all vampires" the level E stuttered. She couldn't breathe anymore with all this aura tightly wrap around her

Zero growl in such rage. How dare she. How dare she turn the humans into slaves. Is she lost her mind. He'll deal with her later.....

Or maybe not, look like he had scare little ichiru. He kiss his forehead humming a little melody making ichiru calm down

He guess, he'll need to contact one of his friends to deal with the girl

He lower his aura. He look at the level E. He sign. He wave his hand making the level E screech and fall to the ground

"Oi, what had you done to her?" Toga ask

Zero shrug "taking away her vampire self and turn her back into human"

"Y-you can do that?" Toga shock

Zero raise an eyebrow "of course i can. Since my people and i are the one who created the vampires. It kinda make sense we can take it back"

Toga still in amount of shock. He definitely did not know that

"C-can you tell me about your kind since your kinda new to us"

"New..... what are you talking about. We've been exist before purebloods are born. Even before humans knew about the supernaturals" zero laugh at toga stupid question

"Wait... if you had been exist a long time. Why haven't we heard about you?" Toga ask

"That because you guys are too ignorant to notice about us. Even though we've live with you humans all our life until now" zero laugh again making ichiru smile. He don't why his brother laugh though but he didn't care

"Well.... can you at least tell me about your kind" toga ask again

"Of course i can. But first i need to do something. Then i will tell you everything you need to know about my kind" zero smile

Toga smile in return. Approve what he said

"Can you tell me your name? I'm toga yagari by the way"

"I know. I'm zero" he smile

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