Chapter 8

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"I see, i will be there and take care of my child" kiara said

"Thank you" as zero break the connection

Zero sign in relief. Suddenly he'd been tackle to the ground

"Shira get off of me" zero push her

"Don't be like that. It been a while since we hang out. Beside, i need someone to relieve my stress" shira said

"So you complete the mess that your child made. That was fast" zero impress because normally it would take years for her to clean up the mess because she is very lazy

"Yeah. I thought it was just an average mess but it turn out the mess were humongous. Not to mention all those wild humans that my child had turned. Do you know how pain it is to control all those wild vampires with no longer sense of life in them. I wonder if all our children knew everytime they turn people" She said

"Oh they knew. Just don't paid attention too much" zero said sarcastic

"So..... any updates?" Shira ask as she got off of zero

"Well.... the noble councils trying to find the vampire that turn their beloved lady pureblood into human and annihilated them. Rido helping to control the councils under his possession and let his son bonded with the heir ichijou clan. I just called kiara to handle her child who now in her insanity of killing people. The hunters of every association are now trying to find us and supposedly to make an alliance with us to kill the vampires even though their true intention to capture us to gain more power so they can be more superior. Oh, haruka and juri build a school for young vampires trying to co-existing with humans" zero shrug after giving her the updates

Shira laugh. The nobles trying to annihilate the creators of all vampires. Those fools didn't know what they're trying to get themselves into. Another thing that interest in her

School...... school for vampires to co-existing with humans. She wonder how that turn out

"Let me guess. You want to enter the school didn't you" zero raise an eyebrow

Shira nod

"Okay. I just have to call cross that there another Blood Rose Vampire wants to enter" zero pick out his cellphone

"Wait.... does he know what we are?" Shira ask

"Yep. Don't worry. He promise wouldn't tell anyone and help us with our plans. There also a price for helping him though"

Shira raise an eyebrow "what that?"

"For us to join as the students there"


"So we could be the example for the young vampires. Apparently, cross already told haruka and juri that there vampires can easily live among humans without any fear and he also refers to us one of the eldest vampires that live in the human world since the beginning of time. Sometimes, i wonder how he be able to get those ideas in the first place" he giggle as he place his phone to his ear

Shira didn't say anything. She too been wondering. out of nowhere, a little arms wrap around her. She laugh and hug back

"Hey little ichiru. Did you miss your onee-chan" shira laugh as ichiru nod cutely

It been awhile since she last saw ichiru. Now he's a grown up boy.

"Well that take care of it" zero said after hang up the phone

"What did he said" shira ask while tickling little ichiru

"For a man who scream like a high pitch girl saying 'the more Blood Rose vampires, the merrier'. He also said about haruka and juri build another dorm only for our kind. Oh he also said if we could invite all the creators of vampires into the school so we could guide our children to the way we want them to be. You know for a man who sometimes can be an idiot does have a very good point though" zero laugh

"You do realize that most of our friends are still in the underworld right" shira remind him

"Yeah i know. But that doesn't mean we cannot drag them out" zero sarcastic said

"Hey guys. Ahh.... my little ichiru. Onii-chan really misses you" Kai pick up ichiru and twirl around

Ichiru laugh

Both zero and shira smile. Suddenly, a strong flash of light coming from the middle of the woods where shizuka stayed. Look like kiara have turn shizuka into human.

Wonder why?

Before shizuka turn into human

"I forbid you to kill the kiryu family" kiara shout

"They killed my lover. My mate. I have the right to kill them" shizuka scream as her eyes turn red

"Oh sweety, do you honestly think that killing them will satisfy you. Release your pain. Tell me, if you kill them, what reward you will get in return?"

Shizuka said nothing. She doesn't know how to answer to that. Her heart and mind are too busy wanting nothing but vengeance

"I don't fucking care any of that. As long i be able to kill them and get revenge on my lover death. I will be satisfy" she smirk

"Yeah satisfy. But only temporally. After all vengeance can only satisfy your anger and hatred. But it will never fill the emptiness and loneliness in your heart. That is why vengeance isn't the answer to everything. Only the reasons and truth will lead the answer your looking for and guide to a life that possibly you never experience it in your long life"

Shizuka don't understand what this woman trying to say. vengeance isn't the answer to everything. That a lie. Vengeance always solve everything

Kiara sign. Her child has truly blinded by the desire for vengeance. She really don't want to do this but she left her no choice

She summon vines and let them wrap around shizuka until she truly tangle. Shizuka use her power to get free but it was no use. Then she notice. This vines isn't ordinary vines. What is this?

She glare at the woman and order her to release her.

"I'm sorry sweety. But you left me no choice. I will never allow you to choose the path that can only blinded you more" kiara chants the words and turn shizuka into human

Kiara release her and walk away

Before she could leave her. She said:

"Enjoy the new life i have given you and make this life as a lesson for your blindness"

Shizuka can only stare at her. She couldn't believe that this woman can turn her into human. But how is that possible. More importantly

What is that woman?

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