Chapter 1 Quirks

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Elizabeth's POV

Today was the day, Katsuki and I turn 4 I was excited I heard from mommy that when we are 4 we get to find out what our quirks are!

"Bakugou, are you excited!?" I asked my brother as we sat, eating breakfast.

"Yep!" He said smiling.

Time Skip

It's been a while sense are birthday and Bakugou had already gotten his quirk. It was explosions, it's very "flashy" is what people say when they see it. Bakugou keeps telling me that I'll get my quirk eventually.

"Lily, Lily!" My brother called my nickname trying to wake me up.

"I-I'm up." I yawned rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Come on let's get ready for school." He said putting his shirt on.

"Ok." I said getting my clothes.

At School

Today was a pretty normal day almost everyone in our class had there quirks except my friend Izuku and I. I think Izuku is going to have the coolest quirk! My brother says that he has the best quirk, but I think he's just full of himself. After school Bakogou, Izuku, two of my brothers friends, and I were walking around, my brother was showing off his power along with his friends, so I tried using my quirk, I focused on using a quirk just like my brother and saving people some day like the hero's do! And then small little pops here and there came out of my hands, I had the same quirk as Bakogou!

"Wow! Lily you got your quirk! It's so cool!" Izuku said, Bakogou came over and held my hand.

"Of course it's cool she's my sister." He said smiling.

"I thought it was impossible for siblings, even twins, to have the same quirk!" One of Bakogou's friends said.

"Well that just makes us more awesome!" Bakogou said proudly.

Time Skip To about a year later so now there 5

It's been a year since I got my quirk the thing is it's not actually the same as my brother, I can use any quirk that I've seen someone else use like my mom can use fire, and how one of the hero's that I've seen fight villains before can use his strength. I can use them, but Bakogou and I have agreed to keep it a secret and that I'll just use the same quirk as him, plus I know how much he likes to be in the spotlight and I would never wanna try and out shine him!

Two Years Later - Now They Are 7

"Kacchan! Look at those hats!" I laughed, pointing at a hat shop. He grinned and chuckled.

"They look silly!" He shouts.

"Yeah. Where do you want to go?" I ask him. He looks around for a moment before spotting a shoe store.

"I need New shoes. Let's go!" He shouts, running there. I try to follow, but get split from him because of the crowd of people. I call out for him but he can't hear me. I get lost in the crowd and someone grabbed me and pulled me out. The grip on my arm only gets tighter as a stranger pulled me away from my brother. An awful dread makes my heart stop as I get farther and farther away from my brother.

"H-Hey! Let me go!" I tried to not to be afraid, I tried to be like my brother, but my voice implied otherwise.

"Not so fast, darling. You're a very special little girl, you know. Special girls get special things, so how about you come and join us?" They spoke sweetly with a voice that implied kindness, but behind it was something else... something more... sinister. I slowly turn my head to the man's eyes that seem to be pouring evil. My lip trembled and my eyes filled with tears.

"Kacchan! Help! Please!" I screamed writhing in an attempt to break loose from their grip.

"Calm down sweetheart. You're going to be just-" they spoke before getting interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Let go of her! I don't want to fight! Just make this easy." The new voice bellowed, sending shivers up my spine. Whoever was holding me quickly released me and backed up a few steps.

"What do you want, All Might?!" My captor shouted. I looked up from the ground and saw a man who seemed extremely strong. But he didn't scare me. He gave me a safe feeling. The man I guessed was All Might walked up to me and carefully picked me up. I lie limply in his arms, overwhelmed with fear and gratitude.

"I want you to leave her alone! She's too young to fend for herself. For you to try and take her is low, even for you..." All Might warned. The stranger grinned widely.

"Fine, take her. But this isn't the last of me you'll be seeing, little Elizabeth..." He trailed off as he walked away. I whimpered and hid my face in All Might's chest. I felt his hand pat my head gently.

"You're going to be okay, young Elizabeth." He says, setting me down on the ground and taking my hand. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him. He looked back down and gave me a silly grin. All Might lead me out of the alley and I was very surprised to see people crowding around us. All Might raised his hand and parted the sea of people. As we walked past them, I would hear people mumble and whisper amongst themselves. Surprise was very noticeable in their features. I looked down as All Might and I walked. And on the other end of the path, I could see Kacchan waiting there, his pupils shrinking and his legs trembling. All Might brought me to him and released my hand. I ran over to Kaccahn and hugged him tightly.

"Kacchan! I'm so happy to see you!" I shouted happily. He didn't respond. I cautiously pulled away and tilted my head to the side. Before I could question him, All Might lightly moved me to the side and placed his hand on Kacchan's shoulders.

"You should be more careful with her. Keep an eye on her, young one." He said authority in his voice.

Kacchan nodded quickly and stuttered,
"Y-Yes, Sir." Kacchan walked over to me and took my hand as All Might walked into the crowd. They all cheered at All Might, and I smiled at that out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kacchan with tear-filled eyes. They spelled over and he whimpered.

"Elizabeth?" He asked, shakily. I looked at him, concerned.

"Yes, Kacchan?" I acknowledged him. He took a shaky breath before he looked me in the eyes.

"I'll never leave your side again, I promise." He swore.


How was it? All of the stuff under the Two Years Later part was all done by my Co-Author espeon863 she is one of my best friends and is an amazing writer.

Can you believe that someone actually said that her writing was crap?! I can't, ITS AWESOME!


I don't own the picture, the creator is awesome though.



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