De Casa Bakugou (Pt.2)

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Harli's POV

I wasn't expecting to get this close to her yet but the quicker I get this shit job done with the faster I can get away from all those idiot pro hero wannabes. Their so damn optimistic! Well most of them are, its annoying. While I was complaining in my head I didn't realize that Bakogou had been glaring- or maybe thats just the way he always looks, he had been looking over at me oddly almost the entire time we've been walking. I ignored him not really caring on whether he liked me or not.

They're house is... nice. It's smaller than I expected, but then again I'm not sure what I expected. They're mom is pretty cool.

"Dad must still be at work..." I heard Elizabeth mumbled to herself. "Well, Harli! We should.. uh.. do something while we wait." She said turning to me. "Well we might as well enjoy the nice weather outside." She said blankly as she sat her stuff down and started heading towards the backyard. 'This girl is bpd isn't she?' Harli thought while following Elizabeth.

As we stepped onto the patio Elizabeth pulled out two chairs that we're facing the rest of the backyard. We just sat there not talking, not trying to think of conversation, not really doing anything we were just watching the backyard.

"Your quirk really cool." Elizabeth said breaking the silence. "Definitely hero material." She added leaning on the side of her chair closer to me.

"Yeah, everyone seems to say that.." I replied mimicking her action while leaning towards her. "Well everyone except my dad." I finished bluntly.

"Your dad doesn't want you to be a hero?" Elizabeth asked slight interest lacing her voice.

"Yeah, let's just say he isn't very found of heroes." I said vaguely.

Elizabeth simply replied with an, "Oh." probably realizing that she shouldn't pry into it.

"What does your family think about you training to be a hero?" I asked trying to get some information and just to satisfy my own curiosity.

"My family?" She asked beginning to think about it. "Well my parents seem fine with it so far, my dad is a little worried Bakogou and I might get hurt but he still encourages us to do what we want." She explained simply. "Bakogou has pretty much always wanted to be a hero, but over the years he's become a lot more.." Elizabeth paused trying to think of a word to explain what she was saying. "determined." She finished finally settling on the word.

"Interesting.." With a simple reply I made sure to note it in my mind. "You make it sound like you don't wanna be a hero." I continued.

"Well.." Elizabeth trailed off. "It's not that I don't wanna be a hero, it's more that I don't really have as much of a reason to be a hero as Bakogou, I mean protecting people is an okay reason but not one that'll drive you to do the best you can." She explained shortly continuing after. "And plus Bakogou and I made a promise that we would never leave each other's side, so I kinda got dragged into U.A." She finished.

"Well it's a career option for you and him." I said. "You guys could be twin pro heroes, Bakogou and Elizabeth Katsuki. The Exploding twins." I joked as Elizabeth giggled.

"The exploding twins?" Elizabeth asked. "I'm not sure Bakogou would agree to that name." She laughed shaking her head. "He'd probably say.." She cleared her throat and mimicked Bakogou's face. "That name is fucking retarded!" She said lowering her voice, I was dying of laughter at her impression. Some would say she did a spot on job. Her face definitely looked a hell of a lot like her brothers and the voice change was definitely unexpected.

Elizabeth's POV

I decided to discreetly use a little of the other quirks I'm capable of to mimic Bakogou's face and voice. We're twins so the face change wouldn't be that drastic of a change but the voice might be a little through off.

"That name is fucking retarded!" I said and quickly undid the effects as Harli was having a laughing fit.

"That was perfect!" She laughed her face now fully covered in red.

"Yeah perfect." A familiar voice said behind Harli and I. I hesitantly turned my head towards Bakugou hoping he he didn't realize anything.

My hopes were crushed as he glared down at me, the glare most likely meaning "Don't do it again.". I replied to the glare with a small nod.

"Sup Bakugou, did you finally decide to join the party?" Harli asked with a smirk planted on her still slightly red face.

"Why would I hangout with you?" Bakugou asked raising an eyebrow to Harli. Harli shrugged in response. "Maybe we'll rub off on you and fix your piss poor attitude."

"Do you have a death wish or something Bitch?" Bakugou growled glaring at Harli, I could already tell this was gonna get out of hand quickly. Harli gasped acting as if she were surprised, "How'd you know firecracker?!" I felt my body twitch as found it impossible to hide my laughter. 'Oh god that's a new one!'

This was supposed to be longer but I'm gonna shorten it just to make sure it gets out sooner cause I hate to just leave you guys with nothing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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