Chapter 7

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Oakley Care Home

I turned over and looked at my clock. Nine thirty eight was flashing at me in neon green. I lay back into my pillows and looked up to the ceiling. The day had arrived; I was visiting my new home for the first time. I was hoping that it wasn’t too different to my home and that my room was a decent size. Martha had rung to confirm the visit the afternoon before and while I was on the phone, I told her that Auntie Beatrice had to sort out the final few funeral arrangements so would not be attending the visit with us. I think I heard a sigh of relief come down the phone but I can’t be sure. I was certainly relieved that the old hag wasn’t coming with us. I needed someone with me that had a heart and by the way that she treated Martha the other day, I was sure she would have been as horrible as ever.

I hurriedly rushed out the door when I saw Martha’s car pull up outside at eleven O’clock. I chucked my bag into the back and then settled into the passenger seat. It took us a fifteen minute drive to reach Oakley. My stomach did a flip as we drove past a sign saying ‘Oakley Children’s Care Home. This way.’

We turned into the long gravel drive way. The drive snaked its way towards the house, through a forest, on both sides there are endless, lush green trees and bushes, that danced in the breeze. On the right hand side in the middle of the forest there is an orchard. The fruits on the trees looked delicious. Lining either side of the gravel drive were flower beds, the multi-colours in the flower beds make the place seem like a fantasy world.  As you approach the end of the drive you catch glimpses of the house through the trees. 

 We pulled up in front of the house.  I was becoming more and more nervous.  I looked around and tried to take in my surroundings. We walked from the car, through an arch way into a paved courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard there were flower beds surrounding a circular water fountain that spills over into a small pond. Roses climbed up the white walls and clung to the porch. Bushes decorated the bottom of the house.

 We walked up the steps to a big red arched door. The house looked ginormous.  Just as I was about to press the doorbell I felt a hand touch my shoulder. My heart was racing fast as I turned around to face them. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw a David standing in front of me, smiling from ear to ear.

“Hahaha your face!” David laughed.

“Not funny David, you scared me!” I said putting on a pretend angry face but it was no use I broke immediately and started laughing. “What are you doing here?”

“I know Abby and Grace wanted to come with you to see Oakley but their parents made them go to school, so they couldn’t.” David told me.

“Right, ok. So why are you here?” I asked.

“I thought you might need a friend, plus it’s my inset day.” he stated.

“Oh ok. Thanks, it means a lot.” I thanked him.

Let’s get this over and done with.

Martha pressed the doorbell. I let out a deep sigh. The door opened. There was no-one in view. David and I smiled at each other; we knew what was going to happen. I didn’t want to step foot inside the house but I had to. I held my head up high and walked through the door, closely followed by, Martha and David. Inside a little boy of about five or six jumped out from behind the door and shouted “BOO!!”

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