Chapter 35

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•Lauren's POV•

The next day was even more of a drag. It was like I had to rewind myself up every morning just to be able to get up and continue throughout the day. I had collected all the missing work and did piles at a time. Not wanting to burn myself out. Luckily I turned some of them in to my teachers in time before the late due dates. They seemed surprised that I had actually finished them. To be honest I didn't blame them. Sadly there were too many kids who are given opportunities to raise their grade up and pass but just didn't take them. I wasn't going to be one of those kids. I needed to pass and excel myself. I've always had good grades and ended every year with almost all straight A's. As much as Camila being gone hurt, I took the opportunity and decided to start regaining myself again. Little by little.

I finish putting my makeup on when my warning alarm started blaring throughout my room. I sighed and pressed the snooze button while I checked myself one last time then headed downstairs. Not really feeling hungry, I simply grabbed a banana and walked out while munching on it. I was about to get in my car when Zayn popped out of nowhere causing me to drop my banana on the floor.

"Damn it," I hissed and went to pick it up. I frowned when I saw that it was no use in eating it anymore. "What's with you vampires and sneaking up on people?" I groaned as I went to throw away my banana.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to know where you were headed." He apologized sincerely while rubbing his neck embarrassed.

I gave him a confused glance, "I'm going to school, why do you need to know?"

"We'll as your...protector, I kinda need to go wherever you go. Cause you protect you." He stated like it was obvious.

I nodded seeing his point. "Are you going to follow me everywhere I go?" I asked unlocking my car.

He nodded in a so-so matter. "Yes I do but I'll still give you your space. I just want to be in a good distance to know you're not in danger." Zayn briefly explained.

"Okay that's fine." I agreed and hopped in my car. I gave me a glance from my window. "Are you going to get in or...?"

He seemed stunned for a moment. "You won't mind?"

I shrugged, "Not really. You said yourself you need to go where I go so..."

He seemed a little hesitant but got in anyway. I pulled out my driveway and headed to school. While on the way I notice Zayn shift uncomfortably in his seat every five seconds. I glanced at him weirdly before looking back the road.

"You okay there?" I questioned, noticing he wasn't going to stop awkwardly shifting in his seat any time soon.

"Yeah, sorry it's just I'm not use to being in a car. It's weird." He mumbled and finally stopped moving around.

"Why? It's just a car?"

"This is my first time being in one in a long time," he softly mumbled. He stared out the window as I did another side glance at him again and realized why he was so hesitant to get in, in the first place.

"Oh." Was all I said as I pulled up at the schools parking lot. I shut the engine off and looked over at him. He stayed silent and didn't make eye contact. "Will you be going in as well?" I asked knowing that he wasn't going to say anything.

He shook his head and his golden orbs shifted to look at me. "No I'll stay out here. I figured out your scent and voice so I will know if you're in danger or if something happens."

Surprisingly I wasn't creeped out that he 'figured out my scent'. I still didn't know exactly what I was being protected of but if Camila said I really needed it, I trusted my chances with Zayn. I got out of the car and gave him one last glance.

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