Chapter 8

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Nine Years Ago

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Nine Years Ago

She threw her paper down on the desk and then lowered her head on the table. Muttering to herself as if she had two voices in her head, she battled between the pros and cons of taking one night off of writing her papers and doing assignments in order to actually enjoy herself. The pub was walking distance, as she lived one block from campus in an apartment meant for students. She ran her fingers through her hair, it went down below her shoulder blades. Friday night; she had Saturday and Sunday to finish this paper, and technically she was almost done. She glanced at the stack of textbooks and notepads beside her; she had so many other assignments to work on as well, but if she couldn't focus, what good was any of it?

She slammed her textbook shut and stood up. Even though she didn't live alone she kicked off her ugly grey sweat pants that had a hole in the knee. Her roommate was also out for the night like almost every other university student. Pulling her oversized sweater with threads unravelling at the sleeves, she walked into her bedroom and tried to decide what would be the best thing to wear. Her thoughts trailed to Chris, and she couldn't help but nibble her lip in excitement about going and having a drink with him. He was cute, but she knew right off the bat he was already a distraction. But she was allowed to have one night to let loose, to relax, to kick back. Whatever happened, she would get back on track the next day.

In white heels, a black skirt that sat at her hips and stopped just above her thighs, she was able to twirl and the skirt spun like a fan. For her top she chose a simple white tank top. With summer just around the corner, Alice knew that she wouldn't be cold when she walked to the pub. It was a short, ten minute walk, and she could hear the excitement from within as she walked through the parking lot. As she walked into the bar she was hit with a whirlwind of scents; booze on the floor, sweet drinks mixed in, sweat, perfume, hair spray. It was a combination that normally wouldn't be pleasant, but to Alice it was a big reminder that she was here to have fun. After her eyes shamelessly scanned for Chris, she moved to the bar to order a drink.

As she approached, however, the bar tender handed her a whiskey sour. When she glanced in slight confusion, he pointed to someone down the bar a ways. "Courtesy of the cute fellow over there."

"Cute indeed." She smiled, grabbing the drink. She turned around and saw Chris walk over to her; he was wearing jeans and his shirt was a white button-up with the top few buttons undone. Whether it was intentionally or if it had happened while he was out dancing she didn't know; either way, she was shamelessly drawn to him. After all, he was the reason she went to the pub night in the first place.

"Did I guess right?" he asked, standing inches away from her, his hand upon the sticky bar counter.

"It was a very good guess," she admitted, grabbing the orange slice out of the drink and sucking on it slightly before putting it in her drink to soak up more of the booze. "Most guys order me martini's."

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