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The dream started like any other of my dreams...

There was blood dripping down from the knife, making a trail through the school. But all I could see what his Combat boots and his black skinnies. Nothing but screams were heard through the dream, but then it finally turned to me. I was backed up against the school lockers, starting up at the person in front of me. All I could see in my eyes was horror like no other. That's when it happened, the person slipped my throat, and blood went all over the lockers. They left me for dead, laying me in my own blood, crying.

That's how it always ends.

I woke up to rain on the see through glass, remembering I was in a car driving to California. I sat up looking forward, finding my mother and father sitting in the front, talking to each other. I saw the sign, "Welcome to California." There it was, my big move. I was scared, but yet ready. Back there something was holding me back from the adventures. Well, maybe it was my "mother", that's what "father" tells me to call her, anyway.

Yes, as you can tell, I really don't know these people, sitting in the two front seats. Maybe they are pretending to be my parents, maybe I've been kidnapped. Maybe that's why "mother" won't let me look/watch the news. I was scared to know the answers to all this. I wish I had a close friend to vent to but I don't. All I have is a crappy journals that's a waste of my time writing in. My so called "parents" read it anyway, so what's the point. My life is nothing but a big scar without a band aid.

I try to follow my heart but it fails, because there's always this big shadow of a guy I don't know. He's always blocking everything.

~An hour later~

The car came to a stop, leading me to look up at the house. It was a big house, it had two floors, a princess tower, it was white, had a big yard, and a beautiful walk way. It was beautiful I had to admit. I was still scared for this move though. I slowly got out the SUV, and walked up to the house, looking up at it. My parents got my bags out, coming up behind me.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Azalea? I knew you would like it. Now help us get the rest of our stuff out then we will order pizza." My father told me, as he started his way inside the home. I did as my father told me. Taking bags out of the trunk, I heard someone walk up behind me. I felt eyes of my back. I turned around finding a pair of brown chocolate eyes staring right back in mine. I took in his looks; he had brown hair, pale skin, bags around his eyes like he hasn't been sleeping. He was wearing a red plaid shirt, with blue skinnies, with some black converses. He stepped toward me, as I stepped back running into the back of the car, the boxes falling out of my hands. I was shaking dangerously bad, I fell to the ground, trying to pick up the stuff that fell out the boxes. A cold hand brushed over mine, looking up there were the same beautiful brown chocolate eyes I seen just a few seconds ago.

"Sorry. I'm making you nervous. I was just here to tell you that this town will eat you alive, sweetheart." He sweet city voice told me. He helped me with my stuff then walked away from my yard then down the sidewalk. It was weird but it made me want to know him more.

When I got my room done, I jumped on my computer logging into it then started up my music. I felt better in a way to be finally got away from that town. I reached over for my art supplies and started my feelings with the pens. This is how I make myself feel real like nothing happened in the pass. I drew what I felt on the paper and this time it was that boy, I seen earlier today. Weird. I started shading him in, making his outlines of his beautiful face. I got so much into it I didn't even hear my mother walk in. She was standing over me with a smile.

"Hey baby, what are you drawing? Well who?" She asked with a smirk across her face, when she looked over my shoulder to see the no named boy, her smirk turned into a frown in a split second. She took my book away, and then pointed at it. "Where did you see this young man?!" She kind of yelled at me. I was a bit taken back by the outburst coming from her red lips.

Why was mother so mad about this? What was it about this boy that made her like this? I heard someone walk into my room once more. There stood dad at my door, looking at mother. The look in the eye was kind of twisted, when he seen my drawing. He walked over to my mother taking the book and then ripped out the paper. He then threw it into my trashcan. He came and kneed beside me.

"If I ever see that face around this house again, I will ground you for your life." He told me then stood back up. Both he and mother walked out my room closing my door once more. I could hear them fussing at each other on the other side of my door. I sighed and mumbled, 'they think I cannot hear.'

As the day dragged on, I finally got my room fixed up the way I wanted. Mother soon called me downstairs for dinner, as I made my way downstairs I seen someone at the door. It was a lady at the door, She had grey hair in her face and herself and her clothing looked wet, but it wasn't raining outside. As I went to go open the door, the lady disappeared. I was a bit freaked out but quickly made my way to the dinner table with my parents.

We ate dinner in silence; I could feel the tense in the room. I finished my food, and asked to leave the table. They then nodded and mother started to clean the table. I made my way back upstairs and someone was at my bedroom door. I could hear crying and screaming.

"WHERE'S MY BABY! I NEED MY BABY!" someone yelled. It sounded like a male though, which was weird. When I made my way to my door, it was no longer there. I took a deep breath and made my way inside my room to get ready for bed and tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be my first day of school. I was scared of it because no one will tell me what happened at my old school. Maybe someone with tell me at this one.

~I am sorry it took me this long to write the first chapter. I been quite busy. I hope you enjoy my short chapter. I been having a lot of writer's block about this book..This is the reason why it is short.

But I hope you enjoy it. c:

Leave pretty comments and rates <3 c:

Love Kay.

Scars. / / Evan PetersWhere stories live. Discover now