Through The Time Rift - You're Lying

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Rather short chapter so sorry ;-; only 1000+ words all my others are in the 2000 but I wanted to end the first interaction quickly so I can add more awesome stuff (:


Collecting my thoughts as my Timelord brain spat out a million different ideas, I took a breath. Whoever these two people were I wanted away from them. When I had my plan in my mind I nodded. "Duck under their arms." Speaking out they both looked at me. "Duck beneath their arms and get out of here."

The man looked at me like I was an idiot. "We're not going to leave you here." I let out a laugh.

"Trust me. I'll be fine. I'll get out just fine. But I can't get out until you two do. You two shouldn't even been here."

"Neither should you!" Rose cried out. Scared. She was caving. Her eyes were so close to blinking. Groaning I shook my head. Why wouldn't they listen to me.

Didn't they know I was trying to save their lives?! "What's you're name?" The brown haired man questioned. He was also in panic and I guess asking questions helped. But I couldn't help but laugh.

"We're trapped by five of the most deadly alien creatures on the planet and you want to ask personal questions?!" I barked at him and he nodded his head. "My names Cara. Now just do what the hell I said so we can get out of here."

The man stared at me momentarily before looking back at the Angel that now stood a little closer. "Rose. Do as she says." The man mumbled. Rose looked shocked.

"You're really gonna listen to her?!" Rose cried out before listening to what the man said. She ducked out of the corner and stood behind the Angels blinking her eyes. The man and I had view on all the statues. "How does she know about these aliens?" Rose called

"I'm right here darling. Just ask me." Growling I shook my head. "Don't worry how I know. Just know that I know okay?! You. Spiky haired man. Go." I shoved him slightly keeping my eyes on all the Angels.

If this man would just go I could use my vortex manipulator and get out of the situation and destroy the Angels. "No, you go first." Really?! He was going to argue?!

"Fine!" I shouted ducking out and the man followed right after me. All of us staring at the back of the Angels heads as they stared at the wall. Reaching and opening the vortex manipulator the man looked at me with wide eyes seeing it and seeing it burned into my arm.

"Where did you get that?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm about to save your life and then I'll never see you again so stop asking me questions and don't ever interfere with my work again." Shouting at the man, I slammed my finger on a button and suddenly all of the weeping angels were zapped and disappeared. Leaving a terrible scent that made the Rose woman gag in disgust.

The man stared at me in shock as I ran and grabbed my coffee which hadn't spilt and brought it to my chest sighing with a smile. "Thank god.." I hummed as I started to sip the yummy coffee that was still full of ice. In a matter of seconds both the people stood in front of me and I gave a sigh of irritation.

"Where did you get that?" The man called pointing to my arm. "What happened to your arm.." Looking up at the man his eyes were big and brown. Full of age and sadness just like my own. Was he..shaking my head there was no way a Timelord could be his level of stupid. Standing to my feet I sighed. Always I looked for a possibility of not being the last of my kind.

"I..found it." I lied. "It's burnt on my arm because my house caught on fire and I got trapped inside. I taught myself how to use it. It's not that hard." Nodding I grabbed my torch off the floor with a sigh. Not really wanting to tell the two my life story or who I was.

"You knew about the Angels.." Rose mumbled.

"Yeah. They've come through my life before. Word has it Cardiff has a time rift or something crazy like that. I like to investigate that stuff." Shrugging I was acting like an idiot and the man knew my words were faked. I could tell. He knew I wasn't stupid. "Right well. I've got somewhere to go. You're welcome. For saving your life."

As I started walking to leave the man jumped forward and grabbed my arm. "Wait..who are you?" He questioned studying my eyes. I stared back at him. Narrowing my eyes at him as I pulled my arm free.

"Cara Jones. Now excuse me while I leave." The man studied me closely and I moved away from him towards the door before walking out groaning as I realized I was now out of coffee.

God what a way to start the day. Standing outside on the empty road, I flipped open the vortex manipulator as the man and woman followed out after me and I sighed in irritation. "Where can I find you again?" The man called out and I laughed.

"Why would you want to? Look. I saved your life. You're welcome. Now forget about me. Don't look for me. Don't do any of that. I've got places to be." I called staring at him as I entered coordinates into my wrist band.

The man came closer. "You're lying to me about who you are..I can feel it." Wow what a nut job. Who knew humans were this needy to know everything.

My eyes peered into the mans. "I told you who I am. I'm Cara Jones," grinning at him. I smashed the go button on my wrist band. "Look me up." And as those words left my mouth I was teleported back in front of the coffee shop with a sigh.

Time for more coffee.

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