Idiotic Duo - Milo

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"It's a Dalek."

Both the Doctor and I spoke at the exact same time, my head snapping around to look at him seeing rage in his eyes, pain, hatred. How could he know about the Daleks? How could a simple human know about the Daleks? The Doctor looked at me with the same expression I gave him. Shocked and surprised. "How the hell-"


My sentence was cut short as the blue Dalek approached us three, and instantly I jumped to push Rose and the Doctor to the ground as the Dalek shot it's weapon. Rose was shocked and the Doctor was still looking at me in disbelief that I knew about the Daleks. How could he know about the Daleks?! Shaking my head we all got to our feet as fast as we could. "Run!" The Doctor screamed as he grabbed my hand and we all started running away from the alien.

Why were we running away?! "Stop! Stop running!" I yelled at the Doctor as I jerked my hand from his. "Why are you running! You coward! There are innocent people being killed!" The Doctor looked back at me in disbelief at my actions. "I will not run, I will not leave these people to die! Because I am not a coward! I will never be a coward again! These creatures destroyed my life, they took everything away from me!" Rose and the Doctor stood staring as the Dalek continued to slaughter innocent people. "If you want to run, run." I spat. "But I will not let the Daleks destroy another race. Not on my watch."


The Doctor screamed as him and Rose stared at me with wide eyes as I turned my back to them and took off back towards the chaos, leaving the both of them behind to get lost in the panicking crowd of people. I was looking for the Dalek eagerly. I couldn't let the Daleks win, not this time. Never again. I shoved people out of my way as I followed the robotic voice of the Dalek as it strolled through the crowds killing as many as it could. 

Finally, my eyes landed on the salt shaker looking creature and I shoved a woman out of the way just in time before she was killed. "You get up, and you run. You here me? You run. Don't look back, don't do anything but run and you run far away." The woman beneath me was absolutely terrified as I looked back over my shoulder at the Dalek approaching the both of us. "One.." I started to count to three. "Two.." The Dalek was nearly at my heels. 



The woman rolled one way and I rolled the other catching the Daleks full attention giving the woman time to run to safety. I got to my feet breathing hard as I stood face to face with the blue Dalek. "Scan Shows Ali-En Tech-Nology! You Are Not Of This Wo-Rld!" The Dalek screeched as tears gathered in my eyes.

In front of me stood my greatest enemy. My greatest fear. "Hello again, it's been a while hasn't it." I laughed as the Dalek moved its eye stalk up and down looking me over. "Different face from the last time,"

"You Are Im-Possi-Ble! You Will Be Ex-Termi-Nated!"

Before I had a chance to say anything back to the Dalek who stood in front of me, aiming it's weapon towards me as I let out a laugh, a familiar voice echoed from behind me. "Cara! Cara what're you doing!?" My head shot around in shock and there stood Milo running out of a corner shop in my direction. "Cara that thing will kill you!" No. No why was he here?!

"Milo! Milo you have to run, run!" I screamed to him as the Dalek looked towards Milo. I watched in shock as the Dalek aimed its weapon towards him, and I wasn't fast enough to stop it.



My screams echoed out loudly as the Dalek fired and Milo fell to the ground. I didn't even care about the Dalek anymore as I ran over to Milo's side and fell to my knees. "No, please.." Tears fell down my cheeks as I brushed Milo's hair from his face, he was barely alive, he was dying. "No, Milo hey, look at me look." My hands grabbed the boys cheeks as I cried, trying to keep myself together. "You're okay, you're going to be okay I'm..I'm going to save you I always save you, I'm going to save you.." A small sob left my mouth as I ripped the boys shirt off to look at his damaged skin. 

There was no way to save someone from a Dalek's attack. Not a single way. "Cara.." He coughed in terrible pain as he sobbed.

"Don't no don't. We're going to travel the stars remember Milo?" I laughed in tears trying to fix him but I couldn't. I couldn't. "Please, please don't die." My hand slipped into Milo's. There was nothing I could do and I broke down into sobs. "Milo I'm so sorry.."

Milo was letting out heavy gasps of pain, "Cara, I love you.." My hearts were beating hard in my chest and hearing his words only made me break out into sobs as I looked down into his brown eyes, kissing the knuckles of his hand as I caressed his cheek. 

"Milo..You're going to be fine just..just hold on, please!"

His eyes fell shut heavily and I felt his dying breath leave his body as I cried. I completely broke at that point. That's before the anger took over. I draped my coat over Milo as I got to my feet and wiped my tears away. "You.." I yelled at the Dalek who stood in front of me. "You killed best friend.." My hands balled into fists.

"You Are A Time-Lord." The Dalek spoke. "You Will Be Ex-Termi-Nated!"

"Then do it!" I screamed back in angry tears. "You took my home planet, you killed off my entire race, I'm the last piece. I'm the last piece you need to say you've completely dominated the Timelord race. So kill me!" I screamed. As I was screaming, the Doctor and Rose ran up beside me. "You destroyed my people, my planet, and now you've taken the only person I care about away from me. You waste of universal matter." I spat. "So kill me." I held my arms out on either side of myself laughing. "I'll let you kill me as long as you leave this planet and never come back. Victory over the Timelords is what you want. So take it. Take it!"

The Dalek looked me up and down as it aimed its weapon towards my hearts. I took a deep laughing breath as I closed my eyes. Milo, I'd gotten him killed. My only friend. My person. The Doctor could take over my position for protecting the planet seeing that stupid human always seemed to show up where I did. He could protect the planet..couldn't he? That daft human man..

Taking in a shaky breath, my eyes were closed as I waited. Tears on my cheeks. And that's when the Dalek spoke it's war cry. This was it. This was my death.


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