Army Of Ghosts - They're Everywhere

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I forgot how long these episodes were so I'm going to skip around a bit. Please vote guys so I can continue writing for you.

What ever this was, it wasn't right. The Doctor and I both knew it. Turning to look at him, we stared at one another. Ghosts couldn't do this. This wasn't possible. Without saying a single word to one another we took off out of the Tyler's flat, down the many flights of stairs, out into the open. The Ghosts were every where. Hundreds of them, no, thousands of them covered the grounds. Walking right aside the humans. No one had any issue with them, no one at all.

No one did anything. "They're everywhere..." I mumbled as the Doctor and I spun around in curiosity, as well as confusion. The boys I spotted continued playing their ball game as the Ghosts pranced around almost without notice. "Doctor, look out!" I called as soon as my eyes spotted the Ghost walking in his direction. Before the Doctor had the chance to move the Ghost walked right through him knocking the wind from his lungs.

Holding onto the Doctor's shoulders while I made sure both his hearts were beating, he held onto my hand that rested over his chest as Jackie ran out to join us. "They haven't got long. Midday shift only lasts a couple of minutes. They're about to fade." Mentioning a shift, a fade, confused the Doctor and I more than ever.

"What do you mean, shift?" The Doctor questioned as he regained his breath and stood tall. Moving my hands away from him, I walked over to Jackie.

"Since when did ghosts have shifts? Since when did shifts have ghosts? What's going on?" Jackie stared at me shaking her head.

"Who even are you? You waltz into my flat with these two and I don't even know who you are! So why would I tell you anything!" Good god now I knew where Rose got her attitude from. Her mother.

Shaking my head I stood as tall as I could at my short height. "That's besides the point. No one's running or screaming or freaking out or..." The Doctor stared at me as I threw attitude back at Jackie to shut her up as I spoke.

"Why should we?" Jackie protested as she glanced at her watch again. "Here we go then, twelve past." Looking around with the Doctor and Rose, we watched as the Ghost figures began to disappear, fading into the background. It was as if nothing had even happened. Looking at the Doctor confused, we all followed Jackie as she started back towards the flats.

Walking beside the Doctor I shook my head. "These aren't Ghosts there's no way." I whispered, and the Doctor nodded his head as we walked.

We all gathered around the television in Jackie's living room, the Doctor constantly flipping through channels. The only thing being spoken about were these Ghosts. From the UK to Japan, China. "They're everywhere." The Doctor and I spoke at the same time, with massive confusion.

Finally, the constant noise from the television annoyed the Doctor to the point that he turned the television off. "When did it start?" He questioned as he turned around to face Jackie.

"The Ghosts. He means the Ghosts." I spoke out before giving Jackie a chance to speak. It was obvious in her eyes that she thought the Doctor was talking about the idiotic television show that had been playing before the Doctor turned it off.

Standing to my feet as Jackie began to ramble and talk about the new Ghostly friends, I walked outside to get some air. Millions of thoughts going through my brains. What if there was a way to bring Milo back? Bring him back to life. At least bring him into the world again. Ghost or Alive.

Leaning over the edge of the railing that guarded the long walk way, I looked down at the cement parking lot. Watching people pull in and out. Laugh and run. Milo and I used to do that. We did that all the time unless I had a job to handle. Shaking my head I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. Sighing.

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