Chapter 23

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"Five hundred thousand dollars, Heath?" yelled Neil Bower. "Do you have any idea the shitstorm you've gotten me into?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't peg her for a runner," said Heath.

Heath was sitting in Neil's corner office on the seventh floor. Neil was standing at the window, glaring.

"Apologies are for the weak, Heath. Come on. Eight years here and you still don't understand our motto yet?"

"Deny, deny, deny."

"You can say the words, but clearly you don't get them, do you? Christ, and to think you were on the fast track to partnership."

"Take the money out of my bonus."

Neil walked back to his desk and sat down, looking Heath in the eye.

"It's not about the money. You can't buy a reputation. You have to earn it. Three years in a row we've been voted the best criminal defense attorneys in New York City. And do you know why?"

"We never lose a case."

"That's right, Heath. At least that was correct. But then you went and fucked this one up. Jesus, Heath. So close. We were so close to getting four years in a row. Bower, Bower, and Nathanson. We would have been the first criminal defense attorneys to win four years in a row in New York City. You know what that would have done for us? And now the clock's back to zero."

"How is it our fault that she ran away?" asked Heath.

"That's the spirit. Fuck groveling. It's weak. Rule number two: blame someone else. But it's not going to work this time because it's our goddamn fucking job to prevent clients from running." Neil slammed his fist on his desk. "Our clients pay us to protect them from themselves. That's what we do. Whatever it takes. Hump their leg if you have to. You're a good lawyer, Heath. Arrogant. But there's nothing wrong with being cocky as long as you have what it takes to back it up. So I'm going to give you another chance."

"Thank you, Mr. Bower. You won't regret it. I promise." Heath stood up and reached out his hand, but Neil didn't take it.

"Oh, no. It's not going to be that easy. You took away my prize. You reset my clock. Now I'm going to reset yours. I'm transferring you back to the San Francisco office to start your partnership tenure all over again. I won't dock your pay. I'm not an asshole. I have a heart. But you've still got a lot to learn, and eight more years ought to be enough time for you to learn it."

Heath gritted his teeth.

"Fine, I'll just finish up with my clients and—"

"You're on the first flight out tomorrow."

"What about my stuff? My friends?"

"We'll set you up with one of our furnished apartments. Same as you're used to. You can gather your personal belongings tonight."

Heath scoffed.

"That's all. Now get out of my office," said Neil.

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