Knight in Shinning Armour

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Bound to you

Chapter 5

When I woke up the next morning I smiled down at the lavender bed sheets. As I expected Dean was gone but Sargent had taken his place under the blankets. I almost fell back asleep when I heard yelling and something smash. I instantly stood up and went to my closet and threw on old shorts bra and tank top before running out into the main area to find my mother with her hands wrapped around Snake's neck and my brother trying to pry her off. I looked to my father to find him laughing and Dean stood beside him with a ghost of a smile on his face. I stood their shocked with my Mother. But when Snake brought his fist back and punched my Mother in the face sending her flying to the floor was when I seen how my father got his road name. Slayer. He gripped Snake by the back of the head and started delivering blow after blow to his face. Blood sprayed every wheres. When Dad took the knife I had gotten him for his birthday when I was 16 out of his pocket and flipped the blade open. The outline of a harley danced on the handle, I wish I could have closed my eyes and turned away but I couldn't I watched my father rip Snake's pants off, Dean walked over and held Snake still as Dad cut his dick and balls off. His scream's brought a smile to both Chad's and Dean's faces. I felt bile rise in my throat but when Dad forced Snake's jaws and shoved his genitals down his throat I felt a scream get stuck in the pit of my stomach. Snake looked over to me and his eyes smiled and he spit one of his balls at me it hit my chest and rolled down the inside of my shirt before falling to the floor at my feet. Snake didn't even hear my ear piercing scream before Dean snapped his neck letting his body fall to the floor. Another scream tore through me my mother ran over to me and took me into her arms and held me. I don't know who was shaking more me or her. My father told the prospects to clean up the mess and walked over to us. He took my mother in his arms looking at the red mark where Snake punched her. He looked at me I just shook my head and backed away from him. This is why I wanted out of the club, why I became a Vet. I went to my room and changed into running sneakers and snapped Sergeant's leash on his collar. We slipped out the back door and went for a long run. I needed to think. When we stopped we were at the harbour that I use to visit as a kid. I sat on a bench beside the wall of rocks and put my head between my knees music blasting through the headphones in my ears. I don't know how long we sat there when I felt Sargent tug at the leash I lifted my head to see a tall man standing in front of me smiling. Weirdly I took out my headphones and smiled up at him .

"Hey, sorry to bother you, I just had to tell you what a beautiful dog you have. Pit bull right?" His voice was friendly, he ran a large hand through his blonde hair nervously.

" Yeah he is, thank you." I smiled down at Sargent who sat calmly at my feet.

"I'm Rick. Is he friendly?" He asked.

"He is, I'm Faye." Rick came closer and knelt down to Sargent's level and stroked his face. "And this is Sergeant." I laugh when Sergeant leaned into Rick's legs.

"Faye is a beautiful name." His blue eyes gleamed up at me.

" Thanks." I grinned. It felt good to have a normal conversation.

"Look's like he's had a rough life." Rick commented referring to the scars on Sarge's face.

"He has. I adopted him from the SPCA, where I work. But his life is better now." I sighed. Rick opened his mouth to say something when a loud exhaust caught out attention. A red S10 pulled into the parking lot Dean got out of the truck looking pissed.

"Someone's in trouble." Rick muttered seeing Dean's rage.

"Yeah, me." I sighed. Rick's eyes got huge and he stood up fast looking scared.

"Beat it kid." Dean growled.Rick looked at me then back at Dean before practically running back to where his car was probably parked. Coward.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dean asked me his voice full of anger.

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