Fighter Reborn

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After I told Dean everything, he held me until he got a call from my Dad telling him to meet him at the clubhouse for club business. He kissed my head and left without a word. I sighed as I slipped on the hoodie and got out of bed. I waited until I heard the two bikes start up then I walked over to the room next to Deans and knocked lightly. I waited until Em opened the door one look at me and she opened it wider letting me in.

“What happened?” She asked when we settled on top of her bed.

“I told him about Matt.” I said quietly.

“And?” She asked placing her hand on my leg in comfort.

“He promised to kill Matt.” I sighed, shaking my head.

“What’s so bad about that? I still want to tie him up and torture him.” Em said with half a grin on her face. I lifted my eyes to meet her’s a haunting image played in my mind.

“I didn’t tell him that Matt’s still controlling me. I didn’t tell him about the texts.” I whispered.

“Why didn’t you tell him?” She frowned.

“He won’t try anything. He’s not that brave. He know’s bikers are around me constantly.” I shook my head. “He will get bored soon.”

“Then he will find his next victim. Do you really want another pore girl to go through what you went though?” Em yelled at me, getting off the bed. “He almost killed you Faye.” I lowered my head. She was right.

“Fine, but we're doing this my way. If anyone will kill Matt it will be me.” I knew my eyes went dark. Em nodded her head sitting back down.

“Hun, are you strong enough to see him?” She placed her hand on her stomach. “I can’t protect you anymore.” Tears welled up in her eyes. I took her in my arms.

“I don’t need you to protect me. I will become strong enough to fend him off.” I whispered my promise.  Em pulled away from me her cheeks blazed.  “What?” I asked

“I almost slept with Greyson before Dean got him.” She said nervously playing with her hair.

“I didn’t even know you were serious about liking him.” I said pulling my knees up to my chest.

“Neither did I… but  it just happened we were watching a movie then we started kissing and well.. It got heated then Dean came down.” Her cheeks were fully red now.

“Em, does he know you’re pregnant?” I asked her softly. She shook her head eyes watering.

“No, we didn’t talk much.” She choked out a laugh.

“Hey, don’t cry. It’s okay.” I rubbed her back.

“I just want to find a good guy. I don’t want to raise my baby all by myself. I’m scared.” She whispered tears falling freely now.

“You won’t be raising this baby by yourself. I will help you as much as I can. I promise.” I told her.

Soon after we fell asleep in her bed.

The morning light came in the windows causing both Em and I to groan.  I sat up and crawled out of her bed and she threw a pillow at my head.

“Make me food.” She grumbled. “Babies hungry.” I chuckled and shook my head.

“Get up lazy ass. I’ll take us out to eat.” I laughed when she shot up and went to her bag of clothes. I shook my head and walked into Dean’s room. Unsurprisingly it was empty. I dressed in the spanks and tank top I packed and walked out of the room to see Em in a white dress.

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