⊲|Chapter:2'NEW LAW!'|⊳

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That day, I managed to return home without getting confronted by Carter or his buddies. Although I expected him to catch me from the backside but I was happy that he didn't. It was a little surprising because they never spare a single chance they have, to bully me.

It more felt like he purposefully did that and that made me curious to know why. Why was he willing to let me go without my 'lesson'? I, for a fact knew that he didn't forget it that day. Even if he did, his so called buddies would've reminded him, but none of them chased after me. Maybe they had some important work to do? Yeah that must be the reason.

Or maybe, they are planning to punish me harder for this action when I see them again? I hope this does not happen. It was all because of that freaking website. It wouldn't have advised me to ignore them and this wouldn't have happened.

With all this on my mind, there was a huge pile of homework from school was waiting for me. I managed to complete it till the evening. I'm just fast like that. I just need concentration, concentration and concentration. Yeah, that's all I need.

With my work done, I went downstairs to Rebecca. "Hello Rebecca!" I said cheerfully, grabbing a carrot from the basket and biting it.

"Oh, hi sweetheart! When you didn't come till later, I thought you might be having lunch with your friends?"

I remembered that I was going to have lunch with my friends that day but I just didn't want to go to the library. What did you think? That I had real friends? If you thought then, I'm so sorry to tell you that the friends I referred to were just volume of pages sewn together for giving company to people like me.

Of course Rebecca didn't know that I had lunch in the library. Everytime I told her that I was going to have lunch with my friends, I went to the library. That wasn't a lie, was it? I actually have lunch with my friends. My lovely books. That I value more than anything.

Wait, my glasses too. Because I can't see clear without them.

"Yeah, but I was tired so I just came home. Do you have some snack? Chips, ice cream, anything?" I asked her stretching my hands a little. That's really relaxing, I'm telling you.

"Luckily, we have both!" Rebecca sounded, making me smile.

"Yay! That's great. Could you please take them out in two bowls? I'm going to Josh."

"Of course, dear."

I went downstairs to Josh's room. If you are wondering then yes, I have a huge house. A very huge one! Josh's room is on the first floor. On the second floor is my parent's bedroom. Also the staff lives there, accept for Rebecca. She live on the third floor with me. There is a living room, a kitchen, a dinning hall, a guest's room and two spare rooms on every floor.

My house is huge and creepy.......

I knocked on Josh's room's door. "Come in.... Oh hi Sophie!" Josh was doing his homework. His head jerked up as he smiled at me.

"Hey Josh! Do you want to have ice cream?" I asked.

"Are you taking me out? I'll eat Oreo ice cream okay?" He asked, while closing his books and piling them together. As if he was just waiting for me to tell him to close his homework.

"No Josh. I was just feeling hungry and Rebecca told me we had ice cream so... do you want it?"

"Obviously! Why do you even ask?" He joked.

The BadBoy screams trouble! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat