⊲|Chapter:46 'WAIT, WHAT?!|⊳

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Hey peeps! Sup?

Read chapter 45 if you haven't!

And the answer to that question was son in law. A cookie 🍪 for those who got it correct.

😂 sorry I only have cookies to offer.



|🌀|CHAPTER: 46|🌀|

We all expect. We all have expectations. Some of us have great expectations and some of us expect low but all of us do expect. When the actual problem starts is the time when things start to go so great that they exceed your expectations. It is a warning. A warning of a disaster. Because it hurts more when you're broken again after you've been mend.

Have you ever felt like something terribly wrong was going to happen? Like everything that had been happening, was leading to a huge disaster? A disaster that was so bad that it wouldn't leave anything for repair?

Like all of the things happening were too unreal and too peaceful that you couldn't believe If they were actually happening or they were just the calm before a wrecking storm. Have you ever felt like you don't deserve that happiness and it was just so that you get hurt excessively when it's over?

Have you felt like your life was like a dream at some point of time? A dream too good to be true. A dream to peaceful to be believable. A dream too calm to be understandable.

Same was the case with me when I realized all of the people I cared were at my door step. The guy I loved with everything in me, the guy without whom I was incomplete. My boyfriend– Carter. Next to him was a guy who was my sweet addiction. My cake. My innocent, little, brother– Josh.

After him was Lia. My only girl friend, best friend.

Before I could figure out who else was standing behind them, Josh tackled me in a hug. Due to my heals, I stumbled a little but Mel supported me. "I'm here permanently! Sophia! I'm here! Can you believe it? Oh my God, I'm so happy!" I started to laugh with happiness as I kissed his forehead gently.

"I'm so happy you're here Josh! I'm so so so happy!"

I heard someone clearing their throat when I moved away from Josh and took a look at my door again. "Carter? How? Where are my parents? How did they let you in? I mean, oh my God, like... what?!" I shouted wrapping my arms around him.

Chuckling, he patted my back, hugging me back. "Actually, Sparkle, look behind me..."

Carter entered inside my room, making me take in the view of those standing behind him. "Oh my freaking lord, Sophia Anderson! Why do you never invite me in this damn house?!" Maddie appeared from nowhere screaming in her high-pitched voice.


"Yes, me, Maddie. Now tell me do you have a jacuzzi? Wait, would you look at that?! Guys, this is so fucking awesome!" Maddie made her way inside my room and straight into the washroom making me turn towards Carter.

The BadBoy screams trouble! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz