⊲|Chapter:53' YES, DOUBLE DATE.'|⊳

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Yayyyy update!!!!!

**** this chapter is dedicated to CEscandon93 and littleCriley ! Love you guys so much!****


Do you ever feel like hating someone with everything in you? Even though, that person hadn't touched a single hair of yours and had been nothing but sweet to you? Have you experienced hatred to such an extreme level that you all you want to do is kill that person. A strange feeling had crept into me and it wasn't like me.

I had no reason to hate Amber, yet I was constantly calling her bitch in my head. And it made me guilty. I was hating her for no reason. She didn't know that I was involved with Carter. And even if she did I had no right to hate her because I had lost that right long time ago. I couldn't act like a jealous girlfriend when I was actually an ex-girlfriend.

The ones who deserved my hatred were my so called parents. Not only had they arranged my marriage to Lucas, they were expecting me to go on stupid dates with him to get to know him better.

Shittiest crap of all time!

That was the only reason why Lucas was sitting on my bed awkwardly, playing with my pillow while I was wearing my lens. "You know, we don't have to do this." Lucas suggested, his eyes not leaving the pillow.

"I'm totally fine with it."

"It is clear that you are everything but fine with this, Sophie. It's been an hour and I'm sitting here, waiting, when we were supposed to be there at seven." His tone was soft while he spoke. There was a hint of sadness in his tone which made me guilty of my actions.

I looked down, ashamed. Yes, I had wasted a whole hour doing nothing because I was somehow hoping that we wouldn't have to go on a date if I accidentally get late. And it was so wrong with Lucas. "I know it's hard for you Sophie, but we have to pretend."

"It's hard for me Lucas. I considered you my brother. And see how does it sound to you: I'm going to a date with a guy who I think of as a big brother? Gross."

"We don't have to do this, Sophie. I'll just drop you off at your friend's and will roam around for an hour or two, then we can be back." Lucas answered walking towards me.

"You know, we can't do that. If my parents know about it, you have no idea what they will do. I hate this but I still have to do this. God, why this has to be so hard?!" I groaned, putting my head in my palms.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll just make something up, okay? I don't understand why your parents can't see how you're feeling. Don't they notice these bags under your eyes? Don't they notice the fact that you rarely smile? Don't they notice that you're struggling? Don't they notice these scars? How can they not?"

"They are not my parents. I'm not their daughter. I'm just a piece of shit who is not lucky enough for them to waste their time noticing things about me. And for them once in my life I have a chance to give something to them and they're like, 'might as well just use this piece of shit for making money'." I said, realizing a tear had already leaked my right eye.

In a split second, I felt Lucas's arms wrap around me. After regaining my mind from the imprisonment of surprise, I relaxed. Feeling better, I hugged him back while he patted the back of my neck. "It's going to be okay. I totally understand, Sophie."

The BadBoy screams trouble! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu