Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry this took a while. I had to rewrite half of it because I wasn't happy with how it turned out. This is waaay better than what it was. Hope you enjoy.

Keira and Rose parted not long after. Keira wanted to visit her father and Rose had to return to Suzanna.

She walked with shaky legs up the stairs to the hall where Suzanna's chamber was. No matter how deeply and rhythmically she breathed, she could not get the shaking to cease. Rose paused outside Suzanna's door and smoothed down her dress as she took a deep breath. Okay, Rose. You can do this. Nothing has changed; just go in and be yourself, she told herself. You can do this; you can do this. She breathed in deeply once more, then raised a steady hand and lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in," she heard Suzanna call. Rose opened the door gently and slipped inside. She exchanged a smile with Suzanna as she closed the door. The Princess was seated by the fire and was reading a book. She closed the tome at Rose's entrance and placed it next to her. "Good afternoon," Suzanna greeted. Rose curtsied and walked towards the Princess as she hid her hands in the folds of her dress.

"I have returned; shall I begin cleaning now?" Rose asked politely.

"Of course, but first, how was James?" Suzanna questioned.

"Oh, he was sleeping, but Brianne is sure he will recover."

"That is good, I am glad to hear it," Suzanna said as she stood up from her position and brushed down her dress. "I am afraid I must go; I will not be able to keep you company. My father wants to spend some time with me," she said with a smile.

"That is okay; you go have fun." Rose knew how much Suzanna loved her father and wished she could see him more. As the King, his duties often meant he could not spend much time with his children. Suzanna said goodbye and raced out of the room eagerly. Rose went to stoke the fire, then continued with her normal daily duties.

She was sweeping when a knock sounded at the door. Before she could reply, it opened slowly and someone poked their head through the gap cautiously. Rose sucked in a breath when she realised it was Tristan. Her heart immediately began racing in her chest and she felt a smile make its way onto her face. Tristan made eye contact with her and he grinned. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. For a moment neither one of them moved. Rose was preparing to speak when Tristan suddenly raced forwards and scooped her into his arms. She gasped in surprise, dropping her broom, as she was pulled up to him.

"I do not have long, but I had to see you," Tristan murmured as he wrapped his arms securely around her waist. Rose's heart pounded - at any moment someone could open the door and see them.

Oh well.

She shrugged off the fear and moved her arms to circle around his neck. With a happy sigh, she rested her head on his chest. It was as if everything was perfect when she was with him. Nothing seemed to matter anymore as she breathed in deeply and focused on their embrace. She had missed Tristan terribly - they had not seen each other since the day Keira's rumour appeared, and that was three days ago. She almost laughed at how ridiculous she sounded - missing someone after only three days - but it was the truth. She sighed again as she felt Tristan bow his head so that he was closer to her.

"I missed you," Tristan said quietly, for her ears only.

"So did I," Rose answered. They laughed briefly at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Tristan gradually began pulling back and Rose dropped her arms from around him. He let go of her, but not before lightly brushing her cheek in the softest, briefest caress. He raised her hand gently and kissed the top of it reverently. Rose would have melted into a puddle if it were possible. Her breath hitched when she saw the way he was looking at her. He was staring at her like she was the most beautiful, precious person in the entire world, like she was everything to him.

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