Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dedicated to jully1620, a faithful reader who constantly leaves encouraging comments that make me smile to read! Enjoy!




It was the sound of footsteps. Over and over the noise repeated.

"They are here," William whispered to Rose. A jumble of emotions filled Rose's chest - excitement, fear, trepidation, hope, and relief.

Eliad's army stood nervously in perfect formation. Rose had to hold back her sorrow as she stared at the young and old and all those in between, who suddenly looked like they weren't so sure they wanted to be there. What was it like to stand there knowing they were about to fight against their own King? What was it like to know they would face death in order to fight for a cause they had been manipulated and tricked into following?

The sound of the approaching army grew louder. Rose stared out against the opposite trees, straining to see the men coming. She could hardly wait, yet she wished it had not come to this.




Their footsteps were closer. William smiled softly at Rose. They both had their hands tied, but instead of being attached to a tree they were simply under heavy guard next to Eliad.

As the sounds grew louder, Eliad nodded at the guard closest to Rose. Without a word, Rose was lifted over to Eliad who sat atop his horse. She cried out her protest, kicking her legs, but Eliad paid her no attention. William frowned but stayed quiet - what could he do, after all?

Rose turned her attention back to the opposite trees. A sudden ray of light temporary blinded her. She blinked, then saw where the light had come from. It had reflected off from a piece of armour. A piece of Tristan's armour.

He was here.

At once Rose wanted to run to him and squeeze him with all of her might. Tears formed in her eyes just from seeing him again - how badly she had missed him, how badly her heart had ached and ached!

He was there, leading his army. Most of his face was covered by his armour, but his visor was lifted up so she could see his eyes.

"Remember him now, Rose," Eliad whispered into her ear. "For this is the last time you will see him."

His words sent a shiver down her back, but she refused to listen. Tristan's eyes scanned the army until they came to rest on Rose.

"Rose!" He cried. His eyes widened and he immediately started forward, his army following him with a hastened pace.

"Halt," Eliad ordered loudly. His hand whipped out in front of Rose, until something cold rested against her throat. "Or she dies." There was no teasing, no doubt in Eliad's voice. The dagger pressed against her skin. Rose froze, too afraid to even swallow.

Tristan immediately stopped.

"Eliad, let her go," Tristan replied, staring at the man dangerously. Eliad snorted.

"I do not think so."

"You do not want to do this. You are outnumbered, your warriors are not trained, and you are unprepared."

Rose stared at Tristan wide-eyed. He gazed back at her, his eyes longing and impatient.

"Be that as it may, but I have the girl," Eliad taunted.

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