Chapter Nineteen

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Dedicated to theuniversaloutcast, who left such a nice comment on my last chapter that I'm still smiling from! Thanks for the encouragement!

It was not long before Prince Liam's birthday arrived. Rose and Tristan had not been able to speak since their time together in Suzanna's chamber; but when they did happen to see each other, the secret smiles exchanged between them filled Rose with a pleasant warmth.

A great ball was to be held for Prince Liam, and all servants had to help with the preparation leading up to it – even Rose, an upper servant. The servants worked tirelessly – preparing the ballroom, organizing rooms for guests who would not leave the same night, and assisting in the planning for the meals that would be served.

At only nine, nearly ten, Prince Liam was not overly excited at the prospect of a dance; but when he was told that his closest friends had been invited, he brightened and cheered up.

On the night of the ball, Rose dressed Suzanna in one of her finest gowns and pulled her hair up into an elaborate bun. The guests were arriving and the light chatter of voices could be heard wafting up into Suzanna's chamber. Excitement had Rose's heart racing – this was the first Royal Ball she had ever attended. Granted, she would be there as a servant, but even just viewing the sights would be a marvellous experience.

Prince Liam had spent the day with his family. They had all gone riding around the palace grounds, and then Tristan had even let Prince Liam try his sword. It had made the young Prince's day complete – even though the sword had been far too big and heavy for him. Rose smiled as she thought of Tristan spending time with his much younger brother. He clearly loved his siblings and would do anything for any one of them.

Suzanna stood up from her stool when Rose was finished with her hair and twirled around.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"Beautiful," Rose said sincerely. The Princess's red hair perfectly brought out the delicate nature of her pale skin. Her dress was a lovely midnight blue colour that shimmered in the candlelight. "You will astound everyone."

"Thank you, Rose," Suzanna replied. She surprised Rose with a brief hug. "You will be attending the ball, will you not?"

"I will, but I think I shall be serving the guests. I will be sure to watch you dancing, if I can."

"The Duke of Adryrwen has been invited, did you hear? I hope he will ask me to dance," Suzanna sighed. Rose smiled at the Princess. Suzanna often spoke of the Duke and her affections for him. The Duke of Adryrwen was a strong and loyal ally to the King, and hence Suzanna had met him many times at events and celebrations. It was believed that the Duke would ask her father permission to court Suzanna soon.

Rose felt a measure of sadness. If they courted, they would surely marry. Suzanna would move away. Rose would miss her terribly – assuming she did not leave with the Princess.

"I do not doubt that you shall dance the night away with Duke Wilson. You will have a wonderful night, do not fear."

Suzanna nodded and smoothed down her dress skirt. "I will see you later, then." Rose agreed and said goodbye as he mistress eagerly left the room. Rose put away the items she had used to prepare Suzanna, then left the room herself to return to the servants' quarters.

The room was alive with the sound of excited maidservants. Rose responded to the people who greeted her as she rushed to her bed. She pulled out the chest underneath her bedframe and rummaged in it to find a suitable dress for the evening. She pulled out a plain pale blue gown – simplistic, so it would not draw attention away from the noble women attending the evening, yet suitable for a servant serving at a ball.

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