Chapter 10

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"What do you mean she moved?!" Simon frustratedly yells at Ally.

Ally flinches in her chair before speaking. "A-a lady opened the door and t-told me that Y/n moved." She says quickly.

Simon slams his hands on the table scaring all five of the girls. "We're fucked." He concludes before storming out of the room.


"Thank you for coming today, Y/n." Ellen addresses the singer with a smile on her face.

Y/n politely smiles back while crossing her right leg over her left. "It's a pleasure being here. I haven't seen you in forever." She says with a cute pout which the audience gushes at.

Ellen laughs. "It's only been a few months!" She exclaims.

"Are you saying that you don't miss me?" Y/n asks being slightly offended that the interviewer didn't feel the same way as she did.

Ellen shakes her head. "No, of course I missed you." She says nervously which the audience laughs to.

"Good." Y/n says cockily while flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"So let's get the worst topic out of the way." Ellen begins slowly since she doesn't want to address Y/n about this fragile topic.

"I'm an open book." Y/n says with a smile. She knows exactly what Ellen's going to ask her about and she's prepared herself for this.

"So, you've been seen out with Shay Mitchell. Is there anything going on there?" Ellen teasingly asks while wiggling her eyebrows at the woman in front of her.

Y/n laughs and shakes her head. "No we're just really good friends. I thought you were going to ask me about something else." She says with a laugh.

"Oh please, you know that I'm team Y/n." Ellen says.

Y/n nods her head. "Obviously." She says cockily with a proud smile on her face.

Ellen playfully rolls her eyes. "So you're just friends with Shay?" She teases me.

"Yup, that's all." Y/n says with a shrug.

"Well since you're single, it's time for a special segment of Who'd You Rather?." Ellen announces as the music for the game plays which takes Y/n by surprise.

"I'm scared." Y/n admits which causes a few audience members to laugh.

"I'm going to show you pictures of two different people and you have to chose between the both of them. Eventually, we'll narrow it down to find exactly who's the right person for you." Ellen explains to Y/n as the singer nods as she speaks.

"Alright." Y/n says while leaning forward in her seat. The photos are projected on a screen that Y/n has to squint to see.

"The first two are Shay Mitchell or Kendall Jenner." Ellen says to the camera.

"You can't make me choose between my best friends!" Y/n whines with a frown.

"Too bad." Ellen says which a few audience members snicker at.

"Ugh well, I obviously love them both but Kendall gave me a massage before she left so I'll go with Kendall." Y/n says and turns to Ellen.

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