Chapter 35

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"I forgive you, Camila." Y/n says while leaning forward to wipe a stray tear that Camila missed away with her thumb.

Camila gasps and everything lights up around her. "A-are you serious?" She asks before moving forward with any actions.

Y/n nods her head and feels a little weight get lifted off of her shoulders. She sits back against the headboard and smiles at Camila. "Yes I'm serious." She says but her facial expression gave it away.

"Can I hug you?" Camila says without thinking and she feels her face become red.

"Woah slow your roll, tiger." Y/n says and Camila looks down ashamed. "I'm joking." Y/n laughs and opens her arms for Camila, even though they're new friends she still loves hugs.

Camila's face lights up and she falls into Y/ns arms. Her arms wrap around her neck and she breaths in Y/ns scent. Camila remembers how much she loves the way Y/n smells and the amazing hugs that Y/n gives.

Y/n picks her phone up from beside her and types a new tweet while her arms are wrapped around Camila. This hug doesn't mean anything to her, it's just two kinda-friends hugging.

@/y/t/n: so much respect for people who admit they screwed up and can handle genuinely apologizing and not putting on a front for other people.

She sends the tweet that praises Camila and shades Ally before plugging the charger into her phone and putting it on her dresser. Y/n chose to ignore the missed FaceTime calls from Kendall and Shay.

Camila has been enjoying herself in Y/ns embrace for a few minutes until she decides to pull away and ask her the question that's been on her mind since yesterday. "So, Journals?" Camila asks Y/n and she notices Y/ns attitude change.

"Fuck." Y/n curses and grabs the notebook from the ground. "I haven't chosen the songs yet and it's coming out tonight." She explains to Camila while flipping to the page where she's planing out he EP.

Camila smiles and moves closer to Y/n to look. "I could help you." She suggests while reading over the page of Y/ns purposely messy handwriting.

"Fine, but you're not listening to the songs." Y/n shuts down Camila's future begs of asking to hear the songs to get a better feeling for them.

Camila frowns. "Fine, but I get to post a picture of you." She says confidently while propping an eyebrow up at Y/n.

Y/n rolls her eyes, playfully. "Fine." She says just wanting to get focused on this.

After smiling for a minute, Camila bounces on the bed while pointing at the paper. "So these songs are on it, and these are a maybe?" She asks and Y/n nods her head. "How many songs are you thinking?" She asks.

"Five or six." Y/n says while tapping her pencil against the paper, there's still two hours until she needs to finalize this which should be enough time.

"You have three down, so only three to go." Camila says happily and points to the first song on the list. "So tell me about this song." She says.

"First off, all of these songs are extremely personal even though it doesn't seem like it, you gotta read between the lines a little." Y/n explains then leans down closer to the paper to see that Camila's asking about "Break My Heart". "It's a song that begs someone to break my heart." She says simply.

Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon