Chapter 15

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Kendall sits down on the chair across from Ally, she crosses her legs over one another. Ally is sitting on the couch fiddling with her thumbs trying to ignore the awkwardness of this situation.

Kendall decides that instead of sitting in an awkward silence that she should get some details out of the woman in front of her. "So what made you do it?" Kendall asks Ally.

Ally lifts her head up and furrows her eyebrows at Kendall not knowing what she was talking about. "Do what?" She questions.

"Apologize." Kendall simply says. "You obviously didn't do it for your own personal reasons, so what made you do it?" She asks while tilting her head to the side.

Ally licks over her lips before speaking. "No one forced me to do it, I apologized because I knew that it was the right thing to do." She half lies.

Kendall purses her lips together and nods her head. She hears a car pull into the driveway which is most likely Y/n and Shay. "Well, if you ever try any shit like that again-"

"I'm back!" Shay yells as soon as both her and Y/n enter the house.

"She means that we're b-Ally? What are you doing here?" Y/n asks as she walks into the living room.

For a moment, Ally forgot why she came here in the first place. But once she remembers Kendall already started talking.

"She showed up at the door, crying." Kendall tells Y/n since Ally wasn't saying anything.

Shay lets Y/ns dogs out of their room and all of them run and attack Y/n before she could say anything. "My babies!" Y/n squeals as her dogs all jump up on Y/n trying to gain her attention.

Ally watches the girl in awe. She knows how much Y/ns dogs mean to her but she never watched Y/n interact with them. Ally admires the giant smile that is spread across Y/ns face and the way how her voice becomes higher when talking to her dogs.

After five minutes of greeting her dogs, Y/n allows her dogs to calmly roam around the house. The only dog left is Ophelia since she's laying down in one of the many dog beds located around the living room. "Sorry Ken, what did you say?" Y/n questions Kendall, since she didn't hear her best friend over the commotion of her dogs, while sitting down beside Ally.

Instead of letting Kendall speak, Ally speaks up for herself. "The gi-"

"Others." Kendall cuts Ally off which makes Ally confused as to why she cut her off. Kendall sighs before explaining. "We do not mention those b-" Kendall cuts herself off to calm herself down before continuing. "We don't refer to the others as people." Kendall explains her own personal way of calling the other four members of Fifth Harmony.

Y/n rolls her eyes. "Kendall is the only one of us who does that, continue." She informs Ally who nods her head.

"They were mad that I apologized to you." Ally summarizes the situation that occurred a few hours ago.

Y/n furrows her eyebrows being confused why the girls would be mad at Ally for apologizing when they don't even like her. When Dinah showed up to Y/ns house, the day that Simon texted her, she made it crystal clear that she believed Y/n was stupid, annoying, and clingy.

"Y/N!" Shay yells snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

Y/n jumps causing Kendall to laugh at her. "What? Sorry." She says quickly while readjusting herself on the couch.

Shay laughs from across the room. "You were staring at the floor." She says while laughing.

Ally turns her head and looks at Y/n whos smiling without showing her teeth and rolling her eyes.

Kendalls phone suddenly rings causing her to look at her newest text notification. She groans reading that she has to go home because Kylie needs help with her dog. "I got to go, Kylie doesn't know how to take care of her dog." She says while standing up.

Shay nods her head deciding that she should probably leave too. "Yeah, I've got to go to set early tomorrow. Bye Y/n/n." She says while standing up as well and grabbing her phone from the table in front.

Y/n stands up and hugs her two friends goodbye leaving Ally sitting awkwardly on the couch alone. Ally is happy that Y/ns two friends are leaving so her and Y/n can talk.

"Are you going to be okay?" Kendall whispers to Y/n since she thought that Shay would stay with Y/n and Ally.

Y/n nods her head not being nervous about being alone with Ally. She hopes that they can get along like two friends normally would.

Kendall sighs and pulls away from the hug. "Bye Ally." She says before walking out of the house leaving Y/n and Ally alone.

since it took me a long time to upload I'm going to update before the end of the week so stay tuned for that

I went to Jingle Ball on Sunday and ariana waved to me as she was coming off of the stage. go to my twitter (@/trusthansen) to see it under my 'iconic moments' thread. I felt like I was going to faint, I was so close to her.


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