Alice's point of view/ and a little Aro Volturi point of view (Chapter 17)

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I was looking through mine and Jasper's closet looking for something to go with this green sweater I found. It's really cute but I can't find ANYTHING to go with it. I sighed and yelled "Ugh this is impossible!''. No one was home so I just basically yelled to myself. I got up off the floor after looking through the bottom drawers for ANYTHING cute do go with this stupid green sweater. I went back into mine and Jasper room, sat on the edge of the bed, put my face in my hands and said "It's official I lost my fashion sense.''. "You haven't lost your fashion sense Alice your just stressed.'' said a familiar voice from the door way. I looked up to see Rebecca with her hands in jacket pocket leaning against the door frame. "But I'm not stressed!'' I said as I fell back against the bed. "Yeah you are Alice. I know you been trying to look for any sign of Elena.'' said Rebecca. "How did you know?'' I asked. "Well.....I've might of copied Edward's and Jasper's gift.'' said Rebecca. I chuckled a little. "How about you tell me what your stressed about?'' said Rebecca as she walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "Well for starters I've been looking for Elena and I can't find ANYTHING to go with this stupid green sweater.'' I said as I showed Rebecca the sweater. Rebecca laughed and said "This reminds of when you got that purple sweater and you were determined to find something to go with it.''. I smiled when the memory began to play in my head............

Flash Back

I ran into the house, up the stairs human speed and into mine and Jasper's room. I ran into the closet and began looking for something to go with this purple sweater I found at one of these old shops I found in Port Angelus (I'm not sure how you spell it so I guessed). I was throwing clothes out of the drawers when I heard someone say "Alice what are you doing?''. I turned around to see 15 year old Elena standing in the doorway. "I'm looking for something to go with that.'' I pointed to the purple sweater "sweater'' I said as I still looked around. "Do you need any help.'' asked Elena. "Thanks but no thanks I got this.'' I said. "Can I at least sit here while you look?'' asked Elena. "Why don't hang out with Edward?'' I asked. "Because Eddie's boring.'' said Elena. I laughed along with everyone else in the house beside's Edward who yelled "Hurtful Elena hurt-full.''. "Fine go ahead.'' I said.

About 37 minutes later I was looking and no success of finding anything I finally turned around to still see Elena sitting on the floor playing with her hands and said "Elena will PLEASE help me.''. Elena looked up at me and said "I thought you didn't need my help.''. "Pwease I'm begging you.'' I said. Elena sighed, stood up, walked over looked at the sweater than began to look through a pile of clothes. She pulled out something, went over to the shoes pulled out a pair of shoes, went over to the purses pulled out a purse, then grabbed a pair of earrings from the jewelry box. Then she walked over, laid the outfit on the floor and said "There.''. I looked at the outfit in awe. "Your welcome.'' said Elena. I smiled then speeded over and pulled over Elena into a BONE BREAKING hug. "Rosalie Alice is hurting me.'' Elena called out.

Flash Back Over

I smiled at the memory then saw Rebecca smiling at me obliviously saw what I saw. When Rebecca stood up I whined "Your leaving!?''. Rebecca laughed and said "You seriously sound like Elena.''...........

Flash Back

I was packing to leave to Italy to visit the Volturi with Elena, Edward, Carlisle and myself. It was part of the deal we made that Elena would live in peace if every year on a week before Elena's birthday we would bring her to the Volturi to show how much she's grown so that's what were doing. KNOCK. KNOCK. "Come in.'' I said. The door opened and Edward came in and said "Alice can you......'' I already knew what he was going to say so I interrupted him and said "No Edward I'm not telling her.''. Edward didn't want to tell Elena that we are going to Italy AGAIN. Every year we go to the Volturi a week before Elena's birthday and the thing is Edward never tells Elena the real reason why were going. "Please Alice.'' begged Edward. I sighed in defeat and said "Fine...'' then I yelled "ELENA CAN YOU COME IN HERE.''. About two seconds later Elena came in and said "Yes Alice.''. I walked over, knelt down to her level and said "Elena were going to Italy......'' before I could finish Elena interrupted me and whined "Noooo I'm not going there again. You guys never why we go there so why should go.''. "If you let me finish I would tell you.'' I said. Elena sighed, scowled and crossed her arms. I put Elena's hair behind her ear and said to her "We have to go there since you grow a little faster the Volturi just want to make sure your not causing any trouble.''. "But I'm NOT causing any trouble.'' Elena whined. "We know that but they just want to know for sure.'' said Edward. "Now go get Rosalie to help you get ready.'' I said. Elena sighed, nodded then left. When Elena was ready we left for Volturi.

Still Flash Back But Aro's point of view

The Volturi was expecting the arrival of the Cullen's but especially Elena Cullen. There's something about her that make's the Volturi nice which is weird cause we AREN'T nice. Caius, Marcus and I all think that Elena DOES have a gift but it's the gift of people feeling happy around her NO MATTER what her mood is. But we aren't sure there hasn't ever been someone with that certain gift. Well the Cullen's are here let's see how much Elena has grown...............

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