Chapter 22

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Dear Diary,

Oh my gosh hello diary o' mine. You missed me? I bet you did. Hehehe. There I go again talking to a diary like it could really understand me and really feel my feelings. Hmmmm I'm gonna ask Jasper about that. I want to see if a diary has emotions. Even if it didnt that would be AWESOME!!!! Anyway I'm back in Forks, Washington with MY boyfriend Damon and yes Damon decided to come back with me. Awesome right! Yeah Damon's staying with us. Yeah the family......yeah still not use to saying or even writing that again......anyway they were very open about letting Damon stay with us since he was the one that FORCED me to come back to Forks. The whole family loves Damon expect Edward. Why? Don't know. Do I care? Not really. Am I still mad at Edward? Hell to the ya! And you wanna hear the worse part? Edwards still with stupid Bella Swan! Horrible right? Ugh he makes me mad! And no I'm not jealous.....No I'm not. Not at ALL! Edward just makes me REALLY mad! But enough about him I have to go Rosalie, Alice, Rebekah, Mom and I are all going shopping. So bye



I put away my diary, grabbed my jacket, skipped out my room and down the stairs. I jumped down half way down the stairs. I closed my eyes and waited for my feet to touch the ground but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Damon holding me bridal style while smiling at me. "You know your no fun. I was gonna nail that landing before you just had to ruin it for me by catching me." I pouted. "All though your adorable while you pout. I just couldn't risk the thought of you getting hurt. So sorry for wanting to keep you safe." said Damon. "Awe its ok." I said before jumping out of Damon's arms. Damon speeded it front of me, kissed my forehead and said "Have fun shopping! And don't go to crazy.". "Of course I'll go crazy. Its me what do you expect?" I said. Damon rolled his eyes. I gave him a quick peck on the lips but before it could turn into something more Alice grabbed my arm and pushed me out the door saying "Come on. Come on. We have no time to loose.". Before I could even argue Alice pushed me into the car, and slammed the door. I saw Damon give me a apologetic smile before the girls and I drove off.

I sat on the couch in the clothes store while we all took turns trying on dresses. Rebekah sat next to me and said "So you and Damon? Huh? Huh? Huh?.". I felt heat rising to my face so I quickly down and covered my face with my hands. "Awe she's blushing!" squealed Rosalie as she came out of the dressing room wearing a gold, short skein dress. "You know I totally ship it." said Alice. "What's ship?" asked Mom. "Ship is were you want two people together." explained Alice. "Yeah so forget Edena (thanks to everyone who came up with ship names for Edward and Elena it means ALOT to me. I could never have came up with one so thank you)...." Rosalie was saying before I interrupted her and said "Edena?". "It's yours and Edwards ship name." explained Rebekah. I nodded. "So forget Edena and on with Delena!" cheered Rosalie. Its good to be back.

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