Rearview Mirrors and Past Reflections

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"So what do we do?" I sighed tiredly, leaning against Dannie who was standing beside me with her arms wrapped around my shoulders in a comforting hug. I was terrified knowing that my body would eventually come down off of its adrenaline high because that meant tears--lots and lots of tears.

Colt stood beside me with his thigh brushing against my leg. He, Dusty, and the boys were all in deep conversation about tactics while Dannie rubbed my back.

"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" One of the younger members replied irritably to my question, shooting up from his seat at a nearby table. He was maybe eighteen or nineteen with sandy blonde hair and green eyes. Tattoos littered his skin, and his eyes were alight in a drunken blaze. "I say we go burn down their club and kill them all!"

I scowled in the overly excitable boy's direction and shot back, "Oh and I suppose you're also going to suggest we plunder their treasure and rape their women? This isn't the fucking tenth century, and you're not Genghis Kahn so sit your ass down before I hit you."

Dusty bellowed loudly from beside Dannie and grinned in my direction. His hazel eyes twinkled mischievously. "You are just like your father, girl. Damn, he'd be proud of you right now."

At the reminder of my father, I balanced more of my weight on Dannie's shoulder, almost feeling the physical pressure of his loss coupled with tonight's events. My eyes drifted closed, but it was short lived as Colt gently seized my arm and pulled me away from my resting position on Dannie.

"Eyes open, sweetheart," Colt murmured, catching the glazed look in my eyes. "You have a mild concussion, and I don't need you falling into a coma when you sleep. Is there anything I can do to keep you awake?" Oh, I could think of a few things. As if reading my thoughts, he grinned knowingly and shot me a wink, causing a blush to creep into my cheeks. He leaned in so that his smooth lips grazed my ear. "I meant things that wouldn't make these boys blush like nuns in a whore house."

I giggled lightly and shook my head, biting my lip in amusement. "I'm alright, Colt, but thanks."

"You sure?" He teased again. "Maybe a cold shower?"

I realized he was joking with me, but the thought of a cold shower sounded like a good idea. It would wake me up and help keep me that way. "Um...yes, actually. And a cup of coffee too, if you wouldn't mind."

Colt's devious smile melted into a more natural one. His large hand engulfed mine, and he snuck an arm around my waist, helping me climb down from the bar stool. My vision spun wildly, and I stumbled into his broad chest, whimpering softly at my dizziness. I hated being dizzy almost as much as I hated being drunk. It was a loss of control that made me feel exposed and helpless. "Where are your truck keys? I'll take you home, but I just can't do it on my motorcycle. Can't risk you falling off and hurting yourself. Medical bills are expensive, you know?"

I gave a soft laugh and dug the keys from my back pocket, dangling them in front his chest. Colt's hand opened beneath them, but I pulled them back slightly before he could grab them. "Take it easy on, Sam. He's old, but I love him."

Colt tossed his head back and gave a full bellied laugh, throwing his arm around my shoulder. "Are you sure you're not talking about Dusty, sweetheart?"

Dusty's mocking voice came from next to Dannie. He was leaning against the bar with an ice cold beer in his hands, a line of foam decorating his mustache. I chuckled at him and pulled away from Colt to give Uncle Dusty a tight hug before freezing in his grip, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I spun around to look at Colt who was talking to the younger member who had spoken out earlier. I thought his name was Bean or something which was fitting considering his tall, lean stature.

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