Chapter Four

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I was clueless.

How couldn't I have seen the symptoms? It was so obvious.

Oh, I was so stupid not to tell Adrien about this appointment. He should have been there, he should already know.

Alaya. I would tell Alaya. As soon as I reached home I raced to the bedroom and sat among the pillows, waiting for her to pick up. No reply, I left a quick voicemail, urging her to call back as soon as she could. The door bell rang, causing me to jump up suddenly.

Was Adrien back already? I ran the the door and opened it a gradually.

I widened my eyes when I saw a tanned, brown haired girl standing at the doorstep.

"Alaya! What are you doing back in Paris?!" I gasped whilst hugging her.

"I just felt like I needed to see you. Is it not a good time?" She asked, a smile spreading across her face.

"Of course it's ok!" I laughed.

I let her in a realised how messy the house was, I apologised. Alaya laughed again.

We sat down and Alaya checked her phone.

"You called earlier, is everything ok?"

I pressed my palms together and sighed.

"Alaya, I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone, not yet." I say slowly.

Alaya looked curiously at me and rested a hand on her stomach. I couldn't break it to her slowly, it was too important to mess around like that.

"I'm pregnant, I found out today." I rushed out the sentence. Alaya stared at me.

"Your- what?  Marinette! I can't beleive it. Pregnant?!"

Suddenly a figure appeared in the doorway.

"Marinette, when were you going to tell me?"

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