Chapter Ten

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I barely noticed how the months had past.

It was only when my size eight shirt was almost at bursting point that I noted that maternity shopping may come in useful.

Alaya and Nino were selling their house in Miami and were currently staying with us until their new house had been properly bought.

"Marinette! Help me with changing the little monsters nappies!" Alaya called from upstairs. I hurried along the floorboards to flip the calender over, it displayed a picture of an autumn leaf, and in huge letters the word November stuck out of the page. My birthday was highlighted on the twenty-first day.

I waddled up the stairs and found a much slimmer Alaya tampering with a packet of nappies. I picked up eight-month year old Lauren and twirled around the room with her.

"Ew, Lauren, you smell. Wait, or is it Ellie... nope, its definitely you, Ben!" I laughed and watched the adorable smiles spread over their faces.

We changed all of their nappies before Alaya took me aside and sat us down.

"Ok, I know you only have a month left, but it would still be nice if you didn't need to wear a tight meternity top on your birthday. We are going shopping!"

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The dress was perfect, but I'm not giving away what it looks like until the big day.

"Hey, Mari, and baby... what would like for your birthday?" Adrien appeared from behind me and stretched his arms out so that they just about connected around my stomach.

"To meet this baby!" I laughed.

"Anything else?"

"Erm... a teddy that sings songs for the baby?"

"For you, Marinette, not for the baby."

"Something pretty." I finally say. Though really I havn't a clue.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Days past quickly. My birthday neared...

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