Chapter 36

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If you want more depth on the characters, and bonus info about Temp His, go check out this interview I did with  MissIndependent_19!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Oh and at the end theres a sneak peek of my new story! I hope you like it!

I'm sorry for just pushing you into it, but it's like a bandaid lol. COMMENT + VOTE! Aubrey was named after Drake, and Lana after Lana Del Rey. lol Funfacts Also the next couple of chapters will be in 3rd person's pov.

I lay alone awake at night, sorrow fills my eyes but I'm not strong enough to cry
Despite of my disguise, I'm left with no shoulder, but everybody wants to lean on me.
I guess I'm their soldier. Well, who's gonna be mine

I bottle all my hurt inside, I guess I'm living in lie.
Inside my mind each day I die. What can bring me back to life?
A simple word, a gesture someone to say you're beautiful
Come find this buried treasure rainbows lead to a pot of gold

I've given too much of myself and now it's driving me crazy (I'm crying out for help)
Sometimes I wish someone would
Just come here and save me Artist:Beyonce Song:Save the Hero

Sage’s Pov.

I could definitely see a change in Blaze, and I wasn’t just talking about the fact that he’s a smiley boy now. These past couple of days he’s been acting weird—well weirder than usual. He’s been deep in his thoughts lately and it’s been concerning me.

But that didn’t matter at the moment, because right now the boys had brought the food they cooked out onto the dining room table and expected us to actually consume it. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the food did look at least ‘edible’. Now I’m not saying it looked like it was going to be good, because that would be a lie.

Aubrey was the first brave soul to take a bite. She chewed a bit of the macaroni and cheese, because we decided that’s what we were going to try first. “This isn’t half bad, babe.” She said smiling at Mark.

“Hey! We all equally worked on that,” Zac whined wanting a little credit.

“Yeah I agree it isn’t—what is this?” Lana screeched pulling an eggshell from the Mac n’ cheese. I was clutching my stomach from laughing so hard and Aubrey was trying to keep hers at bay. Aubrey was still chewing some of her food and choked a bit, so Mark patted her back a bit and she spit up an eggshell.

“Why the fuck is their eggshells in the macaroni?” Aubrey asked white pushing the bowl away from herself disgusted; the she looked accusingly at her boyfriend. “Didn’t I tell you that eggshells belong in the trash?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“I thought that’s what makes the cheese sauce stuff creamy?” Mark shrugged, looking at Aubrey worriedly.

“STEAK TIME!” Zac yelled excited, and I’m sure he did a good job. I mean not much could go wrong with a simple steak.

I spoke to soon, because he pushed a dark brown piece of meat in front each of us. I gulped because it was now my turn to try the food. I bit into the steak and immediately spit it out when I felt blood squeeze out of it.

“Zac, medium rare is ten times different from burning the front and not letting the inside cook,” I spoke calmly, not trying to push his efforts down.

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