Prologue: Rosalie and Emmett's gift

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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story, it belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This is just a fan fiction.

The picture on the side is of Anna.

Hello this is another fan fiction I'm beginning to write. I have always had a fascination with Alec from the Volturi... ( and Jasper... but I haven't started a fan fiction for him... yet...). I have read amazing twilight fan fics and I have been inspired to write my own. I hope you like it!

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Prologue: Rosalie and Emmett's gift.

Rosalie POV

I sat in the farthest corner of the living room watching as a beautiful Renesmee laughed and smiled along with the rest of the family as they talked.

Renesmee had grown so fast, she already had the body of a 17 year old and it had only been 5 years. Where does the time go?

I smiled to myself as I remembered caring for her as a baby, holding her and snuggling up to her, hearing her high pitched giggling when I made funny faces at her, smiling as she shown me how much she loved me with a single touch from her hand.

I sighed. It had all gone by so fast.... TO fast.

I looked at Renesmee and averted my eyes. How I wanted my own baby. My own little princess to hold and look after. That's all I ever wanted, but the ability to have a baby was taken away from me as soon as Carlisle bit me. Even though I helped raise Renesemee, it wasn't enough. I love her, but she wasn't mine, not my baby. I wanted the whole experience too, I didn't want my baby to grow up that fast.

Raising Renesmee had only made my dream stronger. I no longer wanted a baby... I needed one. I needed one so much. It hurt me to know I'd never get my wish, I'd never have a baby. Life was unfair.

I sighed to myself as I looked back at my family.

I saw Edward staring at me with a sad smile on his face. He must have read my thoughts. He was the one person who knew how much I wanted a baby, no one else knew the full extent of my desire.

" Hey Rose, watcha doing over here all by your lonesome? Come and join the party!" Emmett joked as he poked my stomach.

I smiled. At least I had Emmett.

" Ok." I said softly and let him lead me to the couch.

I sat down and joined in the Conversation half heartedly.

Carlisle's POV

I looked between Edward and Rosalie as Edward gave her a sad smile.

I sighed and looked at Rosalie as a wave of sadness consumed me. I hated how much she suffered, I hated her feeling so upset about not having a baby. I know I should feel bad about changing her after seeing how much she suffered with what we are, but I don't. I saved her life, and after Esme and I come back from our trip, I know that she will be a lot more happy, hopefully.

Edward told me about how much Rosalie wanted a baby even more now that Bella had Nessie, and because of this Esme and I had come to the conclusion of going and adopting a baby to give to Rosalie and Emmett. We had come in contact with an amazing adoption center that allowed the adoption of newborns, we knew that Rosalie would want the whole experience of raising a child, so we jumped for it.

We found out that there is a teen couple who gave birth two days ago to a beautiful baby girl. Edward all but jumped on the chance to call up the adoption center and try to adopt the baby girl.

I Never Imagined ( an Alec Volturi love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin