Alec speaks

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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in the story, It belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This is just a fan fiction.

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Alec speaks

I woke up still feeling slightly drowsy due to the fact I stayed out til Midnight. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in my bedroom, well the one in the castle. I sighed and flipped over in my bed to my other side and widened my eyes and screeched.

There in the chair that Jane always inhabits by my bed, was Alec and all his beauty.

He smirked and asked " Did I scare you?"

" No.... I just decided to screech for the fun of it... Gah, you about gave me a heart attack." I said sarcastically.

He smiled to himself and looked back at me without saying anything.

I stared at him in confusion. Usually Jane was in that chair, why wasn't she here? Hasn't he been avoiding me like the plague?

I eyed Alec for a moment trying to be careful to not make it obvious that I was checking him out. I haven't seen him this close since my first day here.

 It was really hard to make my checking him out discreet considering he is utterly perfect. Every time I saw him, all I wanted to do was pull up a chair, eat popcorn, and just watch him.

I reluctantly tore my eyes away from him and said " I need a human minute."

He made a motion with his hand to signal to go ahead and I went to my dresser and pulled out another dreaded black outfit.

I looked back at him and eyed him a moment more, somewhat reluctant to go take a shower. How do I know he won't just disappear. I don't want him to leave, I liked him here.

" I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Alec said as he saw the way I eyed him.

" I'll hold you up to that." I said holding a stern finger up at him.

He held his hands up in surrender and smirked.

I smiled and closed the door to the bathroom. I quickly turned the shower on and got undressed. I wanted to get in and out of the shower asap.

I couldn't help but smile the whole time I was in the shower, as creepy as that sounded. I was just excited that he was actually speaking to me, and we were alone.

I can't even explain how happy I am that he's talking to me. It's silly how excited I am. I don't even know him, so I shouldn't be reacting this way.

I got out of the shower, changed into my clothes and dryed my hair. When I was done I exhaled to relax myself and walked out of the bathroom.

I looked in the chair and was happy to see that Alec was still there. My heart fluttered when I looked at him and I sat on the bed and faced him.

Alec and I merely stared at each other for a few minutes.

I blinked at him waiting for him to say something but he merely stared at me.

I sighed. I guess I have to be the brave one and be the first one to speak. I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it. It was so hard to speak with him staring so intently at me, don't get me wrong, I loved the attention, but I wanted to ask my questions.

I reluctantly tore my eyes away from him so I could clear my mind and think.

" So what changed your mind." I asked curiously as I turned back and looked at him.

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