Winning Jane over

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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story it belongs to Stephenie Meyer, this is just a fan fiction.

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Winning Jane over


" Where is she Emmett?! Where is my baby?!" My mother shouted in panicked sobs.

My dad was standing in the corner of the room looking frozen and shocked.

" Emmett we have to find her!! Where is she!" My mom said looking speedily around the room as if I was hiding from her.

" We have to call the family... maybe they could help..." My dad murmured looking beginning to look more panicked.

He looked down at my mom who slid against the wall and to the floor where she started hyperventilating . She kept choking out " My baby... my baby... where is she... Oh no."

My father finally easing out of his trance of panic and shock took out his phone and dialed Carlisle's number.

" Carlisle.. I don't know what happened! Rose and I never beat Anna back at the hotel! It wasn't that big of a deal at first but it's been 4 hours! I can't get ahold of her cell either! Carlisle she's gone! You have to come.. please come here and help us look for her!" Emmett said starting to shake.

Carlisle murmured something on the other end of the line.

" She's gone! She disappeared! We searched Saint Mark's square and she was nowhere to be seen! Neither was the cab driver!" Emmett said speedily.

Emmett slammed the phone shut, almost breaking it. Emmett ran over to his wife and helped her to her feet.

" We can't sit around and mope Rose.... we're going to look for her." My dad said trying to be strong.

Rose started to quiet her sobs and breathing and said " She can't be far... let's get out of here."

Emmett rushed over to the table and grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote a note in case I came back home.

" Let's find our daughter." Emmett said gaining a look of determination.

* end of dream*

" Geez wake up!" I heard an annoyed voice say.

I sat straight up and felt water on my face. I timidly touched my face and realized that I was crying in my sleep. It broke my heart to see my parents cry and worry. I'm a terrible daughter.

I looked up at Jane who looked down at me emotionlessly.

I wiped my tears away and looked away from her.

" Must have been a bad nightmare." She stated uncaringly before walking over to a chair beside my bed and sitting down.

" Yeah.... very bad." I agreed

Jane said nothing and stared at the wall like I never said anything.

" What time is it?" I sighed.

" 10 am." She replied emotionlessly without looking at me.

" Wow, who knew I'd be able to sleep that long after being kidnapped by vampires." I muttered more to myself than to Jane.

Jane spared me a glance and said " You're one lucky human. You're lucky Aro didn't make you his supper. He must have sensed something pretty powerful about you; he wouldn't have spared you any other way."

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